Impossible Foods Laying Off 20 Percent of Its Workforce

Originally published at: Impossible Foods Laying Off 20 Percent of Its Workforce |

Impossible Foods one of the big fake meat companies is laying off 20 percent of is workforce.

Impossible Foods is laying off 20% of its employees in the third round of cuts at the company in roughly a year

— Insider Business (@BusinessInsider) January 31, 2023

Impossible Foods Inc., the maker of meatless burgers and sausages, is preparing to cut about 20% of its staff.

— Los Angeles Times (@latimes) January 31, 2023

These fake meat companies have got to go.

If an economic collapse forces them out of business I’m all for that.

Beyond Meat and Impossible Foods wanted to upend the world’s $1 trillion meat industry. But plant-based meat is turning out to be a flop

— Bloomberg (@business) January 29, 2023

People should be eating real meat, not whatever the hell it is these assholes are creating in their science labs.

These fake meat products look and sound totally disgusting. People really need to stop trying to play God with the food supply.


The kikes need to be reduced by 20% also. No, 100%.
Our lives have no room for fake anything.
While we’re at it, the kike symbols on packaging need to go also. A Swastika will replace them which tells us it’s a genuine product and in harmony with nature.


NO, people should be eating more plant protein and lots of veggies and fruit. The reason the plant based “meat” is a flop is because it doesn’t taste anything like real meat and they shouldn’t be labeling it as a meat specific substitute because most people will be disappointed.

Lately, i’ve been eating all veggie with the exception of the occasional sardines and shrimp. I brown some organic tofu with soy-sauce onions, eggplant and whatever other veggies I have laying around. it’s so much better than eating these wonderful animals that get abused then murdered in horrific ways. I can’t even imagine how many animals have to be slaughtered daily to feed all of these useless eaters, especially the Brown and Black hoards.

The quest for meat from an overpopulated human and sub-human herd is destroying pristine forests with “bush meat” trade. Feeding 7 BILLION PEOPLE meat is unsustainable and soon it will be 8 BILLION PEOPLE and so on. The Globalists are right in this regard.


I remember during the COVID lockdowns this fake meat was prominently displayed and offered up for us goyim instead of meat - the “real” meat was pushed to the side so this slop could be pushed instead. I shop at several different supermarkets, most mainstream, depending on where I am and this was true of all of them.

I refused to touch it and haven’t even tried it.

Now, it is near impossible to find, meat is back in the meat case where it belongs and fake meat has been pushed to a corner of the frozen food shelf.

You can bet those NWO types who push this will still enjoy a good REAL steak while they fly around on their private jets lecturing the rest of us about “sustainable planet” and “climate change” - what a bunch of hypocrites.


another reason that plant based protein is failing is because it’s more expensive than meat because our gov supports the pos ranchers with tax dollars. If government can give Tesla billions to produce these scam EV’s then they can subsidize the soy farmers too.

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