Ilhan Omar Attacked by Jews Again for Anti-Semitism

Originally published at: Ilhan Omar Attacked by Jews Again for Anti-Semitism |

The Somali Moslem Ilhan Omar is being attacked by Jews again for anti-Semitism. Omar was implying that Jews have loyalty to their race and Israel before the nation they reside in. This is of course a 100 percent verifiable and true statement when you look at Jewish behavior over the years.


Rep. Ilhan Omar has come under fresh criticism for remarks critics call anti-Semitic.

The Minnesota Democrat was appearing at a forum in Washington with Rep. Rashida Tlaib of Michigan when she said she fears everything they say about Israel is construed as anti-Semitic because they’re Muslim.

But some Jewish leaders say Omar then revived an old trope about divided loyalties among Jewish-Americans when she criticized the idea that it’s “OK for people to push for allegiance to a foreign country.”

Steve Hunegs of the Jewish Community Relations Council of Minnesota and the Dakotas says he’s appalled.

So that Hunegs kike is appalled. Well, maybe you kikes shouldn’t have lobbied to have immigration policies that allowed all these third world populations into our country. And just maybe you shouldn’t have attacked anybody who questioned this insane policy as an evil and racist person. Or are mentioning these things another so-called “trope?”

With these Jewish polices in force, it was only a matter of time before we saw people like Omar with anti-Israel views gain political power. This has happened strictly because of the environment you Jews created. What the hell did you kikes expect when you did this?

As much as I dislike Omar and her presence in America, I hope she continues exposing you filthy kikes for the parasitical rats that you are.


She kind of reminds me of the kid in The Emperor’s New Clothes.


Lets hope she takes Farrakhan’s advice this time and doesn’t apologize. Antisemitism is a trick that doesn’t work on non whites.


cos Somalis are true semetics…


Make Abyssinia Great Again!

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yes, “appalled” because the truth is finally being heard in the halls of congress about the blood-sucking jews. because this is just the tip of the proverbial iceberg, the jews want to squelch further enlightenment among the goyim… just wait until she outs the corrupt Fed Jews and tells THE TRUTH about 9/11. what a shame that the only politicians with courage to take on the jew stranglehold on our nation, are imported muslims.


they are targeting this woman now, the knifes are out:

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The way that term “anti-semitism” is thrown around, i’m surprised they haven’t labeled the survivors of the USS Liberty as anti-semitic for daring to survive.


A female Somali moslem can get away with saying far more than any white person. In any event, good for her for stating the truth.