Ian Miles Cheong Falsely Claims The Third Reich Supported Trannies

Originally published at: https://infostormer.com/ian-miles-cheong-falsely-claims-the-third-reich-supported-trannies/

The ugly and fat dysgenic slope Ian Miles Cheong just put out a ridiculous post falsely claiming that the Third Reich supported trannies. The post included some propaganda video which contained more lies and obfuscations.

Drag and transgenderism was a big part of the Third Reich. Now their woke successors flood school libraries. pic.twitter.com/yE18P8ZKrp

— Ian Miles Cheong (@stillgray) April 27, 2024

Many people including Henrik Palmgren immediately called this out as a lie which resulted in his post getting a community note attached to it.

Find out what the Dark and Perverted Roots of Gender Ideology really is. It’s not ”nazis” it’s the very people the ”nazis” were fighting.

Ian Miles ChinkChong is a liar and a fraud pic.twitter.com/FugKThHuOe

— Henrik Palmgren 🇸🇪 ᛟ (@Henrik_Palmgren) April 28, 2024

It is a historical fact that the German National Socialists actively opposed homosexuality and trannyism. All of this weird sexual degeneracy was pushed in Germany by various Jews like Magnus Hirschfeld.

The Jews are doing the exact same thing in America today that they did to Germany in the 1920s. The rise of Adolf Hitler and the NSDAP was in part due to these things that the Jews promoted.

Many of the books the NSDAP burned were books and literature that promoted this filth.

Cheong is just a liar. He’s probably being paid by Jews to push this bullshit.


I wonder how many times he watched that video he posted and rubbed one out.


I never heard of this ugly fool before.


Was this an attempt to try to get Conservatives NOT to embrace Nazi Ideology? If so this means that Nazis are winning against the propaganda and Jews feel compelled to do SOMETHING to stop the momentum.

A genuine Nazi revolution is the only way to get our country back from Jews. We have to tear-up our Constitution, round-up the corrupt Jews, politicians, banksters and cops then kick them out to a desert island and videotape them eating each other.


He was probably taught that at his ivy league college.

Easily disprovable and only someone wholly ignorant and un- or miseducated (most likely that) would say something so profoundly stupid. The Nazi fought the very people who pushed this degenerate, twisted ideology.

The Jews in the Frankfurt School in Germany who were pushing trans/gay and other culture, nature and society-destroying ideology were run out of Germany - the Nazis should have executed them as they did other Commies, the ONLY way to deal with Commies.

The Frankfurt School was “welcomed” by Columbia university where they set up shop and proceeded to destroy American culture and society - and we are seeing the results today.


had Hitler waited just under 2 years before he invaded Poland, Germany would have won WWII with the invention of Jet planes and nukes.

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Historian Richard Mayberry writes that if the Nazis had developed the jet plane one year earlier, the outcome of the war would have been entirely different.

The Nazis had plans to build large, long-range, jet bombers to take out the radar systems along the English coast first, then drop nukes, which they were on the verge of developing, on first London and then Washington DC.

Unfortunately, this was near the end of the war and the “allies” were bombing the hell out of everything.

Jack Northrup himself flew to Germany right after the war to see the “flying wing” for himself that the Germans had developed.


He is Sum Yung Gai.
Should be named Sum Yung Punk.



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