Hurricane Dorian Stalled Outside of Florida

Originally published at: Hurricane Dorian Stalled Outside of Florida |

Hurricane Dorian the hurricane that everyone is saying is going to kill every living thing in Florida, is stalled just outside of the state.

#Dorian is now a Category 2 hurricane with winds of 110 mph. It is beginning to slowly pull away from Grand Bahama Island, and is now moving northwest at 2 mph.

— The Weather Channel (@weatherchannel) September 3, 2019

This might be because Donald Trump nuked it or somebody in the United States government who controls the weather by pushing buttons used the HAARP system to redirect the hurricane away from Florida.

Of course, I cannot say definitively if any of these things are true. All I know is that if this hurricane hits Florida, everyone is going to die and the apocalypse will commence.


Maybe Greta Thunberg can save the East Coast from total destruction?:roll_eyes:


How can anyone not think these storms are at the very minimum - directed or steered - at some secret base by the wealthiest assholes on the planet?

If you haven’t took the Truman Show pill, go pound sand.

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Hurricanes have become sentient! Dorian is searching for Epstein. Get Johnny Monoxide on the phone!

Point of privilege, we don’t need anymore climate autism.

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Where are her parents? Tel Aviv?

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