House Intel Report Says No Trump-Russia Collusion

Originally published at: House Intel Report Says No Trump-Russia Collusion |

The House Intelligence Committee’s report on all this alleged Trump-Russia collusion nonsense is out. It officially declares that there was no collusion between Trump’s campaign and the Russians.

None of this matters unfortunately. That’s because the Jew-run media is going to claim that this is a partisan report because the committee is run by Republicans. They’re hanging everything on Robert Mueller and the special counsel to prove their conspiracy theories. It doesn’t matter that they haven’t found anything after a year, they keep wanting to believe in their stupid theories. But slowly some Democrats are start to admit that this whole thing is going nowhere.

The real conspiracy is that between the Jew-run media and these deep state operatives who have been trying to impeach the President because they don’t like him.

This whole retarded exercise needs to end. It’s an embarrassment to America.


It’s looking more and more like the Demonrat-funded Christopher Steele’s “Pissgate” dodgy dossier was a primary factor behind the poisoning of Sergei Skripal, as suggested by Craig Murray in his recent post. And then the Skripal poisoning was used to whip up Russophobia as well as suppressing the truth about Steele’s lies. Then when Trump bombed Syria - but did only the minimum necessary - he showed who his blackmailers really are, and it’s not the Russians.

The Jews must have a string of whores like Stormy Daniels lined up, ready to testify against Trump if he refuses point blank to get involved in wars for “Israel”.

Here’s a summary that I wrote on the most likely scenario:

Why Western intelligence agents poisoned Sergei Skripal

Sergei Skripal’s handler was Pablo Miller, who lived near him in Salisbury. Skripal had likely helped to craft the Christopher Steele “Pissgate” dodgy dossier that falsely claimed that Trump was being compromised by golden showers. Trump is obviously being blackmailed - as his ordering of the missile strike in response to the fake Douma ‘chemical attack’ claim demonstrates, but the blackmailers are Jews, not Russians.

Very soon after the news broke about the Skripal poisoning, the government issued a D-notice censoring the MSM from mentioning Pablo Miller, and Miller’s LinkedIn profile confirming his Salisbury address was deleted. Skripal was most likely threatening to expose the Steele dossier’s lies for cash.

The Americans, the British and the Israelis all had a motive to poison Skripal. He and his daughter were poisoned with the non-lethal BZ / QNB to teach him a lesson and warn him to keep quiet, which suggests that the culprits were not Israeli Jews, who would have had no qualms about killing him. With the Skripals in hospital, the blood samples for sending to the OPCW could have been switched, which would explain how the OPCW got samples of “high purity” “Novichok”, yet the Skripals were soon “rapidly” recovering from the lethal nerve agent that is “five to eight times” more lethal than VX. BZ works similarly to the nerve agent by blocking the acetylcholine receptor of the nerve on the “receiving end” of the signal.

The “Novichok nerve agent” story was fabricated to whip up Russophobia. Detective Sergeant Nick Bailey, who was probably assigned the job of Yulia’s or Sergei’s minder, was tasked with going around smearing the nerve agent on the door handle and other places, in the hope of ‘proving’ Russian responsibility.

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