Hospitals Empty Despite Outbreak of Alleged Doomsday Virus

Originally published at: Hospitals Empty Despite Outbreak of Alleged Doomsday Virus |

Considering that we are allegedly in the midst of a doomsday-tier virus spreading across the planet that the government and media are claiming will result in an apocalypse, it is certainly odd that many hospitals around the country are empty.

Several people suspicious of all the mass hysteria, have gone to their local hospital to film what they saw. These hospitals including one in New York City, which is supposed to be the most heavily hit area of the country, were eerily quiet. There’s tons of these videos posted under the #FilmYourHospital hashtag on Twitter.

Just drove all around Elmhurst Hospital in NYC…counted 14 people, standing far apart, waiting to be tested. No chaos. No refrigerator trucks. NO doubt people are sick…but it doesn't appear to be armageddon. #WWG1WGA #FilmYourHospital STAY SAFE ALL!

— FoureverYourPresident (@FoureverUrPrez) March 31, 2020

So called epicenter of the apocalypse: Elmhurst Hospital in Queens, NY. Part 2 #Filmyourhospital #filmmyhospitals

— filmyourhospital (@filmyourhospit1) April 2, 2020


So St Luke's in Denver is a ghost town. One of the nurses told me That it was pretty slow. But that they were preparing for it to get busy. The emergency room was empty too.

— Brandon Bowser (@brandonBowser10) March 30, 2020

Good Samaritan Hospital, San Jose, CA, #FilmYourHospital
Mellow, empty parking spaces, business as usual.

— Elaine Shtein (@ElaineShtein) April 1, 2020

Went to the testing site for Jersey city,NJ where we apparently have so many cases. #FilmYourHospital

— Alexys (@Magicflapjacks) March 31, 2020

#FilmYourHospital Scottsdale Az Mayo Clinic hospital 3/31/2020 some tents put up and not that many people. I did not drive up to the front, but this is a major Phoenix hospital. And yet Scottsdale is calling for a lockdown ?!? Ridiculous.

— Nibor79 (@Nibor792) April 1, 2020

The explanation for this is that the hospitals have been cleared out in preparation for the influx of people who have been infected with the coronavirus. This is presumably to isolate the infected from the rest of the population.

On the surface, this sounds like a somewhat reasonable explanation, but there is no direct evidence of a massive surge in patients. If there is one, where is it? Surely if we were in the midst of a virus apocalypse, we would be seeing huge numbers of people flooding into these hospitals either waiting to be tested or treated. It isn’t like these people could be magically teleported into the hospital. They’d have to be physically brought into the facility and there is no evidence that any of this is happening in any quantifiable numbers.

We would also be in a situation where all available medical personnel would be working overtime shifts to help the sick. But instead, we are hearing stories about how nurses and other medical staff are having their hours cut and in some cases being laid off.

I talk to my father’s nurse several times a week, before she leaves his house to work nights at a major DFW trauma center. She is getting hours cut and working on empty floors.

— Gregg A. Smith (@GreggASmith3) April 4, 2020

My daughter is a nurse at in Columbia, MO and their census is so low that hours are being cut.

— Daisy Smart🇺🇸 (@Smart67Daisy) March 31, 2020

Nurses are getting their hours cut and in some instances losing their jobs instead of being transferes to the “epicentres” of covid 19 🤷‍♀️Keep filming boys and girls… keep filming! #EmptyHospitals #EmptyHospital #filmyourhospitals

— Stay Fierce (@StayFierce1973) April 5, 2020

What’s interesting is how mad some people have gotten at the people who have simply went to these hospitals and filmed what they saw. They’ve bought so deeply into the virus apocalypse narrative, that all they can do is lash out at anybody who shows them evidence that disproves this narrative.

A big FUCK YOU to everyone using #filmyourhospital to try to prove Covid is a hoax.

Patients are treated inside, not in fucking waiting rooms.
In hard hit areas (like mine) it is poorly controlled chaos.
Vented patients in the hallways, being proned.
Morgue is full.

NOT a hoax.

— Doc Bastard (@DocBastard) March 30, 2020

You are an ignorant idiot. The war zones are inside the hospitals, you vile human being. #FilmYourHospital

— David Gorski, MD, PhD (@gorskon) March 30, 2020

I have never been so livid about a hashtag as I have been about #FilmYourHospital

You people are disgusting pieces of shit. But you know what? When your science denying ass shows up on our door, we’ll still take care of you. You won’t deserve it. But we will. 🖕🏼

— Kitty – 🌹 (@NightlyDrugs) March 30, 2020

And if we were truly in the middle of a virus apocalypse, there would be all sorts of footage everywhere around the country showing what was happening. But for some reason CBS News decided to give us footage from an Italian hospital when describing the virus outbreak in New York City.

During a Pandemic it is essential that the Media gives us real and accurate information.

It’s completely irresponsible for @CBSNews to use footage from an Italian Hospital when talking about the outbreak in New York City.

This is unacceptable.

— ALX 🇺🇸 (@alx) March 30, 2020

The massive Navy hospital ship that was sent to New York City to assist with this virus situation has as of a few days ago reportedly only accepted three patients!

What are the Navy ships doing? Who's in charge? Why aren't things adding up? #FilmYourHospital

— J Owen Shroyer (@allidoisowen) April 3, 2020

It’s becoming more and more obvious that this virus apocalypse narrative is complete and total bullshit. It is just not happening. Even if you believe the official coronavirus death numbers we are being given, it does not equate to it being an apocalyptic situation.

Unfortunately, the economic devastation that this mass hysteria has caused is not a media-driven hoax and it is very real. And as I’ve been saying, that’s going to be a far bigger problem than anything related to this virus.

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