Horrible Ratings for Last Night's MSNBC Democrat Debate

Originally published at: Horrible Ratings for Last Night’s MSNBC Democrat Debate | Infostormer.com

The American people had no interest in last night’s very shitty Democrat presidential debate that was held on MSNBC.

Washington Examiner:

The November Democratic presidential debate had the smallest audience of the election cycle, which was half the size of the most-watched debate.

More than 6.5 million people tuned in for Wednesday night’s debate on MSNBC, according to early Nielsen Media Research. The key 25-54 age demographic comprised 1.6 million of those viewers. Comparatively, October’s Democratic debate, which also was one night but had twelve candidates, reached an audience of slightly more than 8.1 million viewers.

Thursday’s debate, which took place the same day Ambassador to the European Union Gordon Sondland testified publicly in the House impeachment investigation, had approximately half the audience of September’s debate. That debate, which was aired on ABC News, had 12.9 million viewers with 3.5 million in the key demo. This debate was also broadcast on Univision, and they had 1.1 million viewers.

We haven’t even gotten to the first primaries and people are already losing interest in this circus.

This does not bode well for the Democrats and explains once again why they are pushing so hard to impeach the orange man. Even they don’t think any of their candidates can beat him in 2020.

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