Hong Kong Terrorists Tell Media They're Planning Bombings

Originally published at: Hong Kong Terrorists Tell Media They’re Planning Bombings | Infostormer.com

Reuters just did a lengthy piece about the Hong Kong terrorists who are being backed by the CIA and the US State Department. The piece fully documents how these terrorists are planning bombings and are looking to ship in firearms. They are literally admitting this to Western reporters.

The top of the article focuses in on how these terrorists view violence as a way forward for them.

These terrorists have the full support of the United States government after Congress overwhelmingly passed a bill supporting them.

Make no mistake, this is all about funding terrorist activities as part of an effort to undermine the Chinese government. It has nothing to do with freedom and democracy or any of this other nonsense that is being spun to justify it.

Promoting gay anal sex to young Chinese boys might even be a part of this agenda considering the British homosexual Paul Joseph Watson’s enthusiastic support for it.

Check out the Daily Stormer’s full length article for more details on this obviously insane situation.

There is no reason for the United States government to be financing terrorism in Hong Kong. And there is especially no reason for anybody in the right-wing to be supporting it. It doesn’t matter if these terrorists are wearing MAGA hats, waving American flags or holding posters with Pepe the Frog on it. This is a diabolical interference in the internal affairs of China.

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The good thing about Chinese government is that they don’t fear doing stuff when they have too: let’s all hope for a Tiananmen Square Massacre number two!

Absolutely. These people are openly admitting to plotting terrorism and engaging in terrorism. If the Chinese were to go into Hong Kong and run these people over with tanks it’d be an act of self defense.

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