Hong Kong Police Are Getting Shot at With Arrows

Originally published at: Hong Kong Police Are Getting Shot at With Arrows | Infostormer.com

The allegedly peaceful protesters in Hong Kong are now shooting police with arrows.


Demonstrators in Hong Kong attacked common citizens who attempted to free the roads from barricades amid a new round of clashes with police.

A fierce street battle erupted outside the Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU) on Sunday, as protesters threw bricks at police, which responded with tear gas and water cannons. The officers were trying to remove the barricades erected by the demonstrators earlier this week, and urged them to stop placing metal spikes on the roads in hopes of piercing the police vehicles’ tires.

A sergeant with police media liaison office was shot in the leg with an arrow during the standoff. The protesters have been previously filmed using bows and arrows against the law enforcement, as well as javelins, homemade catapults and slingshots.

This shit is just crazy. It is very reminiscent of the insanity we saw in Ukraine about 5 years ago or so.

I am very much looking forward to the day when the Chinese military rolls in and crushes these ZOG-backed faggots.