Holocaust Denier May Win Illinois GOP Nomination for Congress

Originally published at: Holocaust Denier May Win Illinois GOP Nomination for Congress | Infostormer.com

How our reporter tracked down the Nazi running for Congress | Chicago.Suntimes.com

Art Jones is running as a Republican for an Illinois Congressional seat. He’s a man who is opposed to the Jews and denies the Holocaust. Since he’s currently running unopposed, it looks like he’ll become the Republican nominee by default.

Chicago Sun Times:

Arthur Jones — an outspoken Holocaust denier, activist anti-Semite and white supremacist — is poised to become the Republican nominee for an Illinois congressional seat representing parts of Chicago and nearby suburbs.

“Well first of all, I’m running for Congress not the chancellor of Germany. All right. To me the Holocaust is what I said it is: It’s an international extortion racket,” Jones told the Chicago Sun-Times.

Indeed, Jones’ website for his latest congressional run includes a section titled “The ‘Holocaust Racket’” where he calls the genocide carried out by the German Nazi regime and collaborators in other nations “the biggest blackest lie in history.”

Everything about this guy is great. We absolutely need more Nazis who deny the Holocaust running for political office. The more people like this guy who run for political office the faster our political views will be part of the mainstream political discussion. They'll have no choice but to talk about it.

Sure, it’s unlikely that he’ll win in a Democrat stronghold like Illinois, but the media shit storm his candidacy has already caused is great propaganda. The short video clip containing snippets from his Chicago Sun Times interview is currently trending on YouTube.

Here’s his campaign site.


Of course the cucks in the Illinois GOP are distancing themselves from Art “Zyklon B” Jones just like they are doing with Jeanne Ives who is running against our fake conservative governor, Bruce “Jew Wife” Rauner, and his pro-abortion, pro-tranny and pro-illegal spic platform. She spoke in Chicago today at the Civic Club and stood behind everything she put in a “controversial” ad about trannies and illegal spics. If you can, please send a few shekels Mr Jones’ way.


He’s great! I support him six million per cent.


This is great news !! Not only he don’t gives a fuck about holocaust, he calls it what it is an extortion racket. So gangsta!!


If the jews and their shabbos goy servants in the GOP have any sense they will leave this guy alone. But leaving people alone is not in the jews’ nature, they must constantly provoke, demand and annoy.



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A year ago, a White Supremist running on a anti-kike agenda would have been unheard of. Now a year after Trump and the growing belief in White Nationalism and we have a Republican candidate espousing our views.