Hillary Clinton's 2016 Campaign Machine is Joining Team Kamala

Originally published at: Hillary Clinton’s 2016 Campaign Machine is Joining Team Kamala | Infostormer.com

The Jews are already pushing Kamala Harris as the odds on favorite to be the Democrat Party’s presidential nominee. Her presidential campaign is already getting stacked with people from Hillary Clinton’s failed 2016 campaign including people like the Jew lawyer Marc Elias.

Free Beacon:

The newly launched Kamala Harris presidential campaign is stacked with top officials from Hillary Clinton's failed 2016 campaign, including her lawyer Marc Elias.

The abundance of Clinton staffers joining Harris is unsurprising, as many went straight from the 2016 trail to work in her new senate office in 2017. Those moves were considered a signal to insiders that a presidential campaign may be in the works.

The Harris campaign announced on Monday that Elias, Clinton's top lawyer, will be its general counsel; Lily Adams, Clinton's Iowa communications director and daughter of former Planned Parenthood president Cecile Richards, will be its national communications director; Angelique Cannon, Clinton's deputy national finance director and national finance director for Senate Majority PAC, will be its national finance director; and David Huynh, Clinton's director of delegate operations and ballot access, will be its senior adviser.

Elias was most recently in the spotlight a few months ago as the top lawyer for former Democratic Sen. Bill Nelson during the Florida recount, which ended with Republican Sen. Rick Scott holding on to his victory.

The fact that this bitch wants to become the leader of America is ridiculous. What makes her an American? She's half nigger and half street shitter. America was built and maintained by White people. Neither she nor her parents have anything to do with this country. She's also married to a Jew and has no children.

Anybody who supports this bitch is insane. She’s a rootless Communist who desires to destroy America.


@kittenstormer ""Anybody who supports this bitch is insane. She’s a rootless Communist who desires to destroy America."

Remember, this is the same Communist Cunt that is demanding that Congress waste taxpayer dollars to investigate the “root causes” of white supremacy and supports Black Lives Don’t Matter and Antifa.

Also this insane bitch is seeking votes from MS-13…


If the Democrats nominate this stupid cunt it will be interesting to see how White women vote in the election.