Harvard's Gay Forced to Resign Because of Jews

Originally published at: https://infostormer.com/harvards-gay-forced-to-resign-because-of-jews/

MAGAtards and other “conservative” people are really happy that they forced the affirmative action hire Claudine Gay from her position at Harvard University. She was forced out because Jews were angry that she did not do enough to stop people on campus from protesting the genocide Jews are doing in Gaza.

JUST IN – Harvard president Claudine Gay resigns, shortest tenure in the University's history — Harvard Crimson pic.twitter.com/0nGHF7CtSb

— Disclose.tv (@disclosetv) January 2, 2024

They made a big deal about her doing plagiarism or whatever. As if that’s surprising. Blacks do plagiarism all the time and they’ve been able to get away with it because they can just accuse the accuser of being racist. Gay couldn’t get away with doing that because she was up against the Jews.

The dumbest aspect of this whole thing are the MAGAtards and “conservatives” acting like this is a win of some kind. It is not a win at all. The Jews are the only ones who won anything.


I’d be plagiarizing the whole wurl if I had to look at this shit hanging off of my face every morning.



Other affirmative action hires have habitually resorted to plagiarism and continue to be praised to the skies. it is only an issue if they anger the Jews.


I hate Trumpies just a little less than Clinton Liberals. They think that watching, RINO shit-bag, Sean Hannity makes them revolutionaries. Faux News Jews are leading them to more wars for Israel. Trying to reason with Conservies is impossible, I’ve tried. They shut you up or just say that what you’re telling them is “bullshit” even if you send them videos of Trump in his own words. They will not hear it. My neighbor actually thinks that Trump is going to “save America”. I guess they flunked Math because the corrupt dems are flooding America with tens of millions of Niggers and Spics who will vote largely democrat. Trump’s Super-Court pics will stop any attempts at mass deportations. Even if the courts don’t stop deportations, the savages will start rioting again throwing the country into chaos again.

It’s over… America is doomed and there’s nothing any politician can do even if they try and Trump won’t try. all he’ll do is give lip-service to the problem.


they knew this all along… but what I want to know is; How are the Zionist going to stop the Arab students and liberals from protesting the baby killer Jews? so they kick her out and put in a Jew, now what?


Jews sure released that plagiarism material fast - had it on hold in case they needed it.

Of course, Gay is blaming racism:

  • In her resignation letter, she vehemently claims victimhood, attributing her decision to resign to ‘threats fueled by racial animus’

LoL and even anti-White racist Kendi has gotten into the fray:

  • Ibram X. Kendi claimed Claudine Gay was forced to resign because she is black

'The question is whether all these people would have investigated, surveilled, harassed, written about, and attacked her in the same way if the Harvard president in this case would have been White.

‘I. Think. Not.’

Well, if she were White, she would never have been hired in the first damn place b/c of plagiarism, which you can be sure Harvard knew of and overlooked b/c black.


Niggers never bitch when their race gets them a job but never shut-up about being Niggers when they get fired.


I don’t think Zion Don will be allowed to become president again. ZOG will manufacture another George Floyd chimpout or resurrect the COVID scamdemic. They may even resort to surrounding Washington with tanks and colored troops to keep Trump out. Not that I care. I just want the whole rotten empire to collapse.


I heard that some rat-faced Zionist jew will be the interim president of Hahvahd until they can find a slope or bindi who hates Whitey and will suppress all freedom of speech on campus, ma’am.

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no… they can’t take the chance… Trump MIGHT grow a pair in his 2nd term.

What they want is a predictable suck-butt like DeSantis

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I knew instantly “she” was going to replaced by a Jew, and yes, a rat-faced one at that.

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