Harvard Students Replace American Flag With Palestine Flag

Originally published at: https://infostormer.com/harvard-students-replace-american-flag-with-palestine-flag/

Harvard students and pro-Palestine protesters cheered as they replaced an American flag with the Palestine flag.

People are really upset at this saying that it is anti-American and that the people doing this are traitors.

Harvard students cheer as they replace the U.S. flag with the Hamas flag.

Today's college students have more loyalty to terrorist organizations than to America.

America's colleges are now "educating" traitors.pic.twitter.com/2RnwMGdFik

— Kyle Becker (@kylenabecker) April 28, 2024

If we had a normal societal situation I would probably agree, but we don’t have anything that resembles a normal societal situation. We have a country that is occupied by evil Jews and they are using American blood and treasure to advance their own interests. These Jews are openly supporting a genocide against people in Gaza. That’s the only reason why things like this are happening around college campuses.

The Jew Eli David is trying to claim that this is an attack on Western civilization even though his race has been the main force doing everything possible to undermine and destroy it.

US 🇺🇲 flag at @Harvard removed and replaced by Palestine 🇵🇸 flag.

This has nothing to do with Israel, and everything to do with toppling US and the Western civilization.


— Dr. Eli David (@DrEliDavid) April 28, 2024

Being anti-Jew and anti-Israel is the most pro-Western position you can have. The Jew is just straight up lying to people saying that this has nothing to do with Israel. It has everything to do with Jews and Israel. He’s just trying to get low IQ people to think that supporting Israel is in line with being pro-America etc.. when it is anything but that.

Quite frankly, I’d rather have Hamas run America than the Jews who are running it now. At least Hamas wouldn’t shove feminism and faggotry down our throats like the Jews do. I also don’t think they’d be looking to do wars everywhere around the world which is all the Jews seem to be interested in.


This is sure to piss off the RINOs and Boomers.

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They’re desperate to get the flag-waiving Conservies on-board with boots on the ground in Israel. They can’t help Israel defeat Hamas and Hezbolah without the support of the America Firsters.

I give Biden credit for not allowing the CIA to do another false-flag mass-murder American citizens to get support for another big Mid-East invasion. But there’s still time…

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