Harvard Student Organizations Cuck After Criticizing Israel

Originally published at: Harvard Student Organizations Cuck After Criticizing Israel | Infostormer.com

Harvard Student Organizations which criticized Israel following the Hamas attack, have cucked and backtracked on their statements.

Harvard Student Organizations Backtrack On Letter Blaming Israel For Hamas Attack https://t.co/G9voJFs11S

— zerohedge (@zerohedge) October 12, 2023

They did this after immense pressure from Jewish groups and the Jewish media. The Jews literally had a truck with a digital billboard driving around identifying those who criticized Israel.

There are numerous Israel-First “conservatives” and other social media people who are using the phrase “Hamas Harvard” to squash criticism of Israel from these people.

🚨HAMAS HARVARD: There is a truck driving around Harvard with the names of students who signed a letter blaming Israel for Hamas’ terrorist attacks under the banner “Harvard’s Leading Antisemites”

This is what you get for standing with Terrorists.. pic.twitter.com/UPGlLxSOIY

— Benny Johnson (@bennyjohnson) October 12, 2023

NEW: Harvard students are freaking out after a truck is driving around the school, displaying names of students who allegedly signed a letter blaming Israel for Hamas’ terror attacks.

Say it with me: Hamas Harvard.

The digital screen on the truck says “Harvard’s Leading… pic.twitter.com/B7g7vyN8Wp

— Collin Rugg (@CollinRugg) October 12, 2023

You are simply not allowed to criticize Jews or Israel in America. If you do, you’ll have an army of Jews and their shills doing everything they can to destroy you.

I’m not necessarily a fan of the Palestinians, but I have a bigger problem with the Jews because they’re the ones who have done all sorts of bad things in America. It is sickening to see people go out of their way to defend them and the Zionist terror state of Israel.


Jews are professionals at cucking Goyim, their existence depends upon it.


“To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize.”

The jews are going to try and make draconian laws making it forbidden to criticize them. That is their goal and has been for a while. The attack is going to make their resolve more pressing.


“Hamas Harvard” my tuchas, it’s Hebrew Harvard and has been for decades. The more you back down and grovel before the jews for their forgiveness the more emboldened they become.


Sure b/c the corporations they’re looking to be hired by after graduation are run by Jews - who are gathering their names and blackballing them from being hired. I’m sure they’re sharing the information as well as Jews are very good at networking with fellow Jews.


These charts are a bit old, but I doubt there have been any changes - except perhaps more Jews at ivy league colleges:

upload a picture


YES… I thought about this too. They’ll be blacklisted in the jew job market which negates all the perks paying for a Harvard education.



Billionaire Ackman, Others Pledge They Won’t Hire Harvard Students Who Signed Letter Blaming Israel For Hamas Attack


I don’t see a single member of congress outlawing this blatant un-American Jew activity. Notice that cucking didn’t do them any good. The Jews will destroy their social credit score. it’s modern day blacklisting.


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