Half of Young Americans Question Jew Holocaust Hoax

Originally published at: Half of Young Americans Question Jew Holocaust Hoax | Infostormer.com

Roughly half of young Americans rightly question the Jew Holocaust hoax according to a new poll. One in five young Americans believe it is a myth with another large chunk of them believing that the Holocaust was exaggerated.

1 in 5 young americans believes the Holocaust didn’t happen.

Something is seriously wrong… pic.twitter.com/WrwjA87rm9

— Visegrád 24 (@visegrad24) December 8, 2023

I agree with Visegrad 24 saying that there is something seriously wrong. There’s something seriously wrong because the numbers are far too low. I believe part of this is because these numbers only represent the people willing to call out this stupid Jew hoax to a stranger. The real numbers of young Americans questioning it are undoubtedly a great deal higher.

The Jewish Holocaust hoax fairy tales are no different than the lies we are seeing being promoted by Jews today in real time. They are committing a literal genocide against the people of Gaza while simultaneously claiming that they are the victims of all sorts of weird atrocities. When people ask them for proof the Jews say that it is anti-Semitic to ask for proof and ultimately fail to offer sufficient proof of their claims.

The Jews made all sorts of outlandish claims about what the Germans allegedly did to them back during World War II and none of them have been proven. Shower room gas chambers, masturbation machines, death rollercoasters, electrified floors, the cage with a bear and eagle etc.. They’re all gross lies and absurdities invented by sick and insane Jewish minds.


The only people that still believe in the holohoax are most conservatives and boomers. If not for social media the numbers would be higher.


6000000 x 5.7 (average jew height in 1940) = 34200000 divided by 5280 (feet in a mile) = 6477.272727 miles long line of gassed Jews. that would stretch from Atlanta to LA and back.


The hoax is becoming increasingly irrelevant as the jews are doing their own genocide on live television in front of the whole world. They can’t use this old dumb hoax to claim victim status any longer.


“Truth is strong, and shall prevail.”

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A better polling question would be how many people still give a shit about the jews’ holohoax hustle?


Obviously fewer and fewer considering the jews are doing a very real genocide that everybody is seeing on television and social media.

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