Half of US Companies to Eliminate Bachelor's Degree Requirements

Originally published at: Half of US Companies to Eliminate Bachelor’s Degree Requirements | Infostormer.com

College degrees outside of a small handful of STEM degrees have little to no value. They’ve been giving degrees to niggers for fuck sake so of course they are pretty much worthless. An increasing number of companies are recognizing how worthless these degrees are and they are now getting rid of four year degree requirements for many positions and they are doing it in a big way.

How the college degree lost its value: Nearly half of US companies plan to ax Bachelor's degree requirements – after Walmart, Accenture and IBM led the charge https://t.co/C6dWAqu4Cv pic.twitter.com/XItRR7f5Pg

— Daily Mail Online (@MailOnline) November 29, 2023

College degree requirements are a relic of the boomer era that is quickly fading away into the past. They made people get four year degrees for entry level positions because they were too lazy and cheap to provide training. As a result of this, all sorts of people wasted tons of money and went into debt to get these stupid pieces of paper just to be employable.

Degrees were further devalued when colleges embraced all the affirmative action and diversity insanity. Most of these degree programs have devolved into scams that basically put people into debt for no reason.

The entire college and university system sucks and needs to collapse. Everything about it needs to be reinvented for the 21st century. The Internet has made much of this system irrelevant.


So that’s the value of a BA degree. My late WWII father would weep at this worthless system. He taught university level Fine Arts. He was forced to retire because they wanted to turn his full-time job into several part-time jobs with no benefits. Higher Ed was jewed out.


no…this isn’t why they’re doing this… despite Jigaboos being coddled through college, most still can’t pass and therefore it’s mainly Whites and Asians who get degrees which cuts the negros from good paying jobs. The fact that these corporations are nixing the bachelors degree requirement IN UNISON means that their real owners, Blackrock Jews and Vanguard Jews have ordered them to do so so that Niggers can replace Whites in all areas.


at what university did he teach?

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If I said exactly, I would dox myself but let’s say it was Cal State University.


For most people college is unnecessary, a colossal waste of time and money. But in the 80s, 90s and 2000s the “experts” insisted that a college degree would improve your job prospects and income. No, learning a valuable skill or trade through on the job experience is the way to go. AI technology will soon render many white collar professional occupations obsolete. Learn how either make stuff or repair it.

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that’s all I needed to know. thanks. If it were a different state i would have PM’d you for more info.

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