Greta Thunberg Fake Arrested During Coal Burning Protest

Originally published at: Greta Thunberg Fake Arrested During Coal Burning Protest |

There were reports that the climate hoaxing retard Greta Thunberg got arrested protesting coal burning. While I do agree that European women shouldn’t be fucking niggers, her arrest appears to have been faked. There was all sorts of media shooting photos and video of her alleged arrest with her laughing and smiling during the alleged arrest.

Just take a look at the video that’s been spreading like wildfire on social media.

Greta Thunberg arrest was Fake.

Here is the proof

— Terrence K. Williams (@w_terrence) January 18, 2023

I’m not the only on who thought the arrest looked like a total hoax.

Everything about Greta Thunberg is horrible acting…including her pretend arrest.

— Pastor Greg Locke (@pastorlocke) January 18, 2023

Footage showing Greta Thunberg's Germany arrest for peaceful protest was staged for cameras.

Here she is laughing and joking with police and crew.

Timely reminder that the Greta Thunberg project is a well-coordinated, well-funded climate change

— Danny Armstrong (@DannyWArmstrong) January 18, 2023

There is nothing about Thunberg that is real. She’s a media created character that they have used to help push climate hoax propaganda to young people.


like it takes three big cops to carry this dwarf gnome…

I’m all for Coal Burning Protests, but not this kind.

As with everything else regarding this creepy girl, it was staged.

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