GOP Senator Advocates Nuking Russia Over Ukraine

Originally published at: GOP Senator Advocates Nuking Russia Over Ukraine |

Republican Senator Roger Wicker just said on television that the United States should not rule out nuking Russia over Ukrainian border integrity.

NEW: US Senator Roger Wicker (R-MS) backs option of a nuclear strike on Russia over troops that are actually further away from Ukraine than Cuba's from Miami.#BidenPutin

— Afshin Rattansi (@afshinrattansi) December 7, 2021

This is just lunacy but it echoes similar statements that have come out of NATO. They have publicly talked about a nuclear strike plan on Russian cities. And for what? To ensure Ukraine has a democracy with legal gay anal sex and trannies? Why would this be worth fighting nuclear war over?

Wicker throughout his career has been a shill for Jews and Israel so it is not surprising to see him make such a deranged statement.

But then people wonder why Russia has amassed troops outside of Ukraine. They are doing this because they are being threatened by people like Wicker who are making all sorts of irresponsible public statements. ZOG wants Ukraine to become a member of NATO which is a line that Russia has warned them not to cross after they’ve already crossed multiple lines that were drawn following the collapse of the Soviet Union.

Whatever the case, I have doubts that America’s nuclear arsenal even functions. The American military is no longer run or managed by competent people. I doubt they could even nuke Russia if a strike was ordered.

It would be very funny if they end up ordering a nuclear strike and the nuclear strike totally fails. That would truly be the end for the evil ZOG system.

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You know real Americans aren’t in charge when they care more about Ukraine’s borders than our own.

Anyone in Congress that supports Americans going to war should immediately be sent to the frontlines.

I believe a nuclear strike would be far more beneficial on Congress and the White House.

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Totally agreed. Anybody who supports war against Russia over Ukraine is a bought and paid for shill or a moron. There is zero benefit to such a conflict for America and the world. Many Russians in Eastern Ukraine want to reunify with Russia.


America has already done more than enough damage in Ukraine.

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