GOP Appears to Have Lost Both Georgia Senate Runoffs

Originally published at: GOP Appears to Have Lost Both Georgia Senate Runoffs |

It appears as if the Republicans have lost both of the Georgia senate races that were held last night. Both the Republican candidates were up by a few percentage points with around 90 percent of the vote tallied and that’s when large dumps of Democrat votes came in late at night swinging the race over to the Democrats. It was essentially a repeat of what happened in the presidential race.

Donald Trump and some of his allies commented on some of the irregularities that occurred.

They just happened to find 50,000 ballots late last night. The USA is embarrassed by fools. Our Election Process is worse than that of third world countries!

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) January 6, 2021

Just happened to have found another 4000 ballots from Fulton County. Here we go!

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) January 6, 2021

Why are they stopping the vote count in Democrat Chatham county, Georgia?

This sounds familiar! 🤨

— Kayleigh McEnany (@kayleighmcenany) January 6, 2021


FULTON COUNTY: HUGE DUMP of votes blows Georgia Senate Run-off Election race wide open after *tightening.* Now at DOUBLE DIGIT LEADS!

Warnock: 55.5%
Loeffler: 44.5%

Ossoff: 55.6%
Perdue: 44.4%

— Kyle Becker (@kylenabecker) January 6, 2021


Look at the vote tally which occurred in the Georgia Senate race?

Same VOTE DUMP pattern as 3 November 2020!

This is not normal vote counting.

This whole damn election STINKS TO HIGH HEAVEN!

— John Adams (@adamseconomics) January 6, 2021

There was obviously fraud involved, but we knew this was going to be a fraudulent election. Even a blind man could see this coming. We saw what happened with the presidential election where there was cartoonish amounts of fraud and that situation has not been adequately addressed by any stretch of the imagination. The same system that allowed for all that fraud is the same system that was used in this election.

But even with all the documented fraud that took place in the presidential election, Republicans told us that we had to “hold the line” and that it was more important to spend our energy and resources on two senate races conducted using a known fraudulent system than defending the President. They literally took a head in the sand approach by pretending as if the vote count was going to be totally fair and legitimate.

All resources should have gone to defending the President and exposing the election fraud that took place, because spending resources on a couple of senate races that was bound to be stolen was like flushing money down a toilet. It just shows once again how the Republican Party is run by retards and shills.

On top of the fraud, both of the Republican candidates were terrible. Neither of them were actively defending the President when it became abundantly clear how much fraud there was in the presidential election. They only both agreed to finally protest the election results the day of the runoff. And neither of them pushed back on all this weird legislation that Mitch McConnell has rammed through in these deals with Democrats. So were either of them that much better than the queer Jew and the black guy the Democrats ran against them?

At this point, the only thing worthwhile about the Republican Party is Trump. If he is forced out of office, the entire party is pretty much worthless.


Both Perdue and Loeffler voted to remove the names of Confederates from US military bases, and let’s not forget that Kelly’s (((husband))) is the president of the ny stock exchange & paid off Kemp to put her into office. I see very little difference in them when weighed in the balance with the weasly little jew and the black rev.


Yeah there’s almost no difference between them and the Democrats. The fact that they supported all those bullshit bills is proof.

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