Glenn Beck Goes Insane During CNN Interview

Originally published at: Glenn Beck Goes Insane During CNN Interview |

I’ve greatly disliked Glenn Beck the first time I saw this crazy asshole on television a decade or so ago. He struck me as a very strange and dishonest individual. Especially when he told Ron Paul that he wanted to kiss him on national television.

I honestly don’t know how the hell this fool ever had any sort of audience. He is constantly trying to reinvent himself but only makes himself look idiotic in the process. And worse yet is that he is always behind the curb with trends.

Take in point how he was anti-Trump throughout 2015 and 2016 only to come out recently wearing a MAGA hat. I have no idea what that was all about but it just shows that he’s a totally unhinged person.

Regardless, he was recently on CNN to talk about illegal immigration with Brian Stelter. He whined about how he was giving soccer balls to illegal alien children back in 2014 and that nobody paid any attention to him or the larger issue. But now, the plight of these spic kids is the number one news story talked about on the Jew-run media.

He did bring up a good point though. Under Obama, these illegal alien kids were put in cages and wrapped in foil but the Jew-run media had nothing to say about it when it was happening. There was no outrage or anything. Looking at it objectively, they’re actually being taken better care of under Trump. This makes it obvious that they’re only using this story as propaganda to make Trump look like a mean racist person who hates children.

Unfortunately, the good point Beck brought up was overshadowed when he walked off the interview after Stelter asked him about the financial problems he was having with “The Blaze” his media company. He’s had to layoff a bunch of people and is having trouble selling the company. He obviously did not appreciate the line of questioning.

Beck is just a nutty person and he has no business being on national television engaging in political discourse. Hopefully his company goes bankrupt and we never have to hear from him again.


Hey Glenn, your results just came back from the lab…


I hate this smug face wannabe Jew


Brian Stelter was prodding Beck to name the Jew, but Beck lacks balls .




Glenn Beck has gone Bat Shit Crazy! LOL

Goes insane? He appears to have been insane for quite some time.

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