Gina Haspel Confirmed as CIA Director

Originally published at: Gina Haspel Confirmed as CIA Director |

The Senate has confirmed Gina Haspel as the new CIA Director. There were questions on if she was going to get confirmed due to her role in Bush 43’s torture program. But in the end, a few Democrats voted in favor of her nomination.

Fox News:

Gina Haspel was confirmed Thursday as CIA director, becoming the first woman to lead the agency and overcoming initial Democratic opposition regarding her role in post-9/11 interrogation and detention practices.

The Senate voted 54-45 to confirm President Trump's nominee, with six Democrats supporting and two Republicans defecting. Haspel, whose nomination was endorsed by the Senate Intelligence Committee a day earlier, previously was deputy director and has spent her career with the agency.

Naturally we see all these headlines about how she is the first woman to lead the agency etc.. From my standpoint, any female that decides to pursue some crazy CIA career over having children is borderline psychotic to begin with. So it shouldn't be a surprise to see that she played a role in that torture program. Much of her record is still classified so she probably did all sorts of horrible shit that we don't know about.

Nothing is going to change with her leading the agency. It’s just going to be business as usual. Trump has no choice but to pick swamp-tier choices for key cabinet positions. If he didn’t do this, he wouldn’t get anybody confirmed through the Senate. Haspel is just another one of these choices.


Women belong in the home raising families. Some can have a job and raise kids but if a woman doesn’t have kids but is able to it causes psychosis. More and more spinsters are becoming CEOs and heads of departments. This trend needs to end with the boomer generation.

Is Gina Gospel a jew? My jewdar is going off with this old hag.


Jews are attracted to intelligence agencies like mosquitoes to a yellow porch light.


Not a yid. However, she & I have something in common. We’re both from Kentucky.