Germany Sees Shortage of Wood Stoves and Firewood

Originally published at: Germany Sees Shortage of Wood Stoves and Firewood |

There is now a shortage of wood stoves and firewood in Germany as Germans prepare to freeze this coming winter from the lack of Russian gas.

JUST IN – Fear of freezing: Wood stoves and firewood are in short supply nationwide in Germany.

"The market is empty," Gerd Müller, head of the office of the German Firewood Association, tells dpa.

— (@disclosetv) July 1, 2022

BREAKING REPORT: Wood-burning Stoves and Firewood in Short Supply in Germany as Citizens Fear FREEZING TO DEATH Due to Gas Shortages…


— Chuck Callesto (@ChuckCallesto) July 1, 2022

The German government is literally telling the people that they will have to freeze and risk possible death to preserve the illegitimate Jewish government in the Ukraine. It is hard to see how they will be sustain such a ridiculous position. What does the Ukraine have to do with Germany?

Nobody can provide any sort of legitimate explanation for these anti-Russia policies that have put them in this position.

In addition to the possibility of them freezing to death this coming winter, the economy is crumbling from the sanctions they’ve placed on Russia. The country simply can’t function without Russian energy.

Look at this chart on Germany’s electric rates. They’re going to go into a Weimar like collapse if this keeps up.

Electricity rates are up about 6x in Germany.

Look at your own electric bill and imagine it going up 6x and tell me you wouldn’t be freaking out. That is almost a mortgage payment or rent at that point.

— Wall Street Silver (@WallStreetSilv) July 1, 2022


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I’ve said all along they should just give Russia what they want, and all of this could be avoided.

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That would have been the easiest thing to do. There was no reason to overthrow the Ukraine government and then start attacking Russian people in the east who voted to rejoin with Russia after the coup. This is just a jew agenda driven by their hatred of Russians.

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