Germany "Officially" Enters Recession

Originally published at: Germany “Officially” Enters Recession |

They’re saying that Germany is now “officially” in a recession.

JUST IN – Germany, Europe's largest economy with a center-left green-liberal government, officially enters recession.

— (@disclosetv) May 25, 2023

The reality is that Germany was in a recession a long time ago. They just delayed admitting it until now.

You can’t hoax a pandemic, do a lockdown of the country, sanction your most important energy supplier and close down important nuclear power plants and not expect your economy to implode.

I’d also like to reemphasize the fact that many of these economic numbers are being manipulated to make people think that Western economies are doing better than they are.

The West has been in an economic recession for a long time. I would argue that it is really a depression. We also have political leaders who are doing everything in their power to make the situation worse.


Well, then they’ll just have to import millions more military-aged men from the Middle East, right Merkel? Since Germans aren’t producing children to “help the economy.”

The fact that this 3rd world violent scum rapes and kills your daughters is a small price to pay for diversity and to make sure the Nazis never rise again.


Agree. People sleeping on the street is a sign of depression.


the economy started to suck very bad in 2018, in 2019 they ran the epstein case, or probably didnt “let them run it” but more as a glitch probably.

Then they buried the epstein case with the pandemic, and now they`re saying the economy sucks…

I think this is all connected because look at the people involved…


Germany has been pushed into recession by the Washington, destroy the German economy is the quickest way to destroy the Euro currency.

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I believe the Euro was made for exactly that purpose… European nations used to have their own currencies, when the euro came they suddenly had a lot more problems…

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