Germany: AfD Rally Draws 25,000 Pro-Merkel Counter Protesters

Originally published at: Germany: AfD Rally Draws 25,000 Pro-Merkel Counter Protesters |

The Alternative for Deutschland party held a demonstration in Berlin the other day. Estimates are that 5,000 people attended the AfD rally but it was countered with 25,000 protesters who apparently approve of Angela Merkel’s leadership. These numbers might be inflated, but there were certainly lots of pro-Merkel people on the streets.

Sure, I get that most of these idiots protesting the AfD are soyboy faggots and retarded feminists, but it’s really amazing how these people have been brainwashed. They’ve been conditioned to destroy themselves because they’ve been told by lying Jews that their ancestors stuffed six million of them in cooking ovens. The Jews don’t even offer any proof of these retarded fairy tales.

Who in their right mind thinks their country being over run with foreigners is a good thing? If there is not a major nationalist uprising in Germany, there will be no Germany left.


A lot of those Shmerkel “supporters” were probably paid by ZOG to show up. That ugly old hog-faced sow has all the charm and personality of a…well, an ugly old hog-faced sow, I guess.


The counterprotesters did not have jobs. DJs? Is Alex Empire allowed to spread his anti-Deutsch rhetoric? We got the memes, fick their numbers.


It would have been awesome if there were a few black, white and red Reichsfahne in that demonstration.


Time to save our nation or watch it dissolve into multi culture. This Kraut bitch is going to roar!


Most of the “counterprotesters” were techno fans on drugs.

I saw Alex Empire live. I can remember Carl Crack left the stage. He was full on drugs and lost his mind. He looked like a madman (later, he killed himself). Berlin is the most left city in the western hemisphere.

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Berlin has always been that way. Shame.

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Carl Crack was half black right? Forget the name of that feminist bitch but she had some pipes on her! She was on some Pigface trash too.

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