General Flynn was Framed in Perjury Trap by Comey and Pals

Originally published at: General Flynn was Framed in Perjury Trap by Comey and Pals |

It looks like General Michael Flynn was framed in a perjury trap setup by James Comey and his criminal pals.

Basically what happened was that Flynn the incoming national security adviser in his official capacity was having conversations with foreign representatives during the presidential transition. The Barack Obama regime had his conversations recorded and illegally unmasked Flynn’s identity. This information was given over to the FBI.

Comey and friends in the first week of Trump’s presidency, arranged an informal meeting with Flynn and used those conversations along with the recordings to claim that he lied to the FBI. And even with all those dirty dealings, they didn’t even think Flynn lied. But regardless of that, they still charged him with lying to the FBI any way.

Flynn eventually had to plead guilty to lying after having exhausted all his financial resources to defend himself from Bob Mueller’s special counsel witch hunt.

This whole situation is insane. Comey and all the people involved with this need to be arrested and put in a federal prison.

Mueller and much of the Jew-run media is justifying the perjury trap ignoring the fact that they didn’t even think he lied in the first place. They also ignore the illegal means that were used to obtain the transcript of his conversations.

The spin on this is unbelievable but not surprising. All we get from these people are lies.


the good thing is that Mueller is making some powerful enemies… but when the FBI shows up, SAY NOTHING. geesh… it’s a fed offense to lie to the gum-shoes. KEEP YOUR MOUTH SHUT and your recorder running.