Gavin McInnes Quits Proud Boys Due to Jewish Terror Campaign

Originally published at: Gavin McInnes Quits Proud Boys Due to Jewish Terror Campaign |

Gavin McInnes the founder of the Proud Boys has posted a video on YouTube saying that he has quit the group. In the roughly 37 minute video, he went out of his way to say that he isn’t a racist and has nothing to do with White supremacy, Nazism etc…

It’s a ridiculous video and shows that he hasn’t learned a damn thing about the current political environment.

The Proud Boys have basically been the victims of a Jewish terror campaign. They’ve been openly attacked by Jew-financed anti-fascist terrorist groups. The corrupt Department of Justice that is still largely run by the Jew Rod Rosenstein is prosecuting its members for defending themselves against these Marxist terrorists.

These Jews don’t give a damn if there are some brown, black or mixed race people in the group. They especially don’t care about Gavin’s friend with a black wife losing his job over this. They view anything that is right-wing no matter how moderate as a threat and that includes the Proud Boys even though they go out of their way to describe how they aren’t racists. That’s where all this Western Chauvinist bullshit comes from.

This is why the entire Alt-Lite is being banned off of social media. Even the Jewess Laura Loomer has been banned from Twitter. They’re shutting everything that is remotely right-wing down.

The point being, is that you can’t use brown and black people as a shield against these Jewish terrorists. They view anybody or any group with a political opinion to the right of Karl Marx as being a racist and a Nazi.

Apparently McInnes thinks that by quitting the group, it’s going to help some of the Proud Boys who are being prosecuted. That’s at least what he’s saying even though it is hard to see how it does in fact help anyone. But what this really shows, is that he is effectively disbanding the group just as things are getting hot. It’s the equivalent of a captain abandoning his ship in a time of crisis.

He says he was just the founder of the group and not the leader even though everybody has universally recognized him as the leader. So to think that this group will continue without him involved is difficult to believe.

The whole situation is pretty sad, but we shouldn’t expect a whole lot from a man who has done work for a Jew-run media outlet (Rebel Media) and willingly stuck a dildo up his ass in front of a camera.

But the larger question is why the Proud Boys are even being prosecuted like this. The President of the United States needs to get control of the Department of Justice because it continues to operate just like it did when Eric Holder and Loretta Lynch were running it.

The fact that actual terrorists like these anti-fascist groups are allowed to attack people with no consequence and their victims are prosecuted with bogus crimes for defending themselves is an unsustainable and insane situation.

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he’s been terrorized into resigning because IF HE DOES NOT, The FEDs will put him IN PRISON using RICO laws… remember: i recently said that freedom is only for those who can afford high-power attorneys to keep them out of jail.

Unexpected win for Gavin. Proud Boys not considered a hate group anymore

America and the West more broadly are so cucked that anyone “cut out for street level leadership” is by default too scary or masculine or plain edgy for 99.99 percent of the population of faggots we are currently burdened with.

The only reason the Proudboys ever got off the ground is because McInnes is loudmouthed but otherwise camp and nowhere near masculine.

What aspect of his leadership could McInnes possibly have altered that would have made the Proudboys a more effective movement? From my measure he executed a perfect game. He started a purely inclusive movement and used it in an entirely lawful manner. What could he possibly have done differently that wouldn’t have made the Proudboys irrelevant on one side or illegal on the other?

By punching a hole below the Proudboy’s waterline despite them committing no factional crime, the deep state has as much as said "if you guys on the Right want to hold a public gathering large enough that it wont fit in a phone booth then we will:

Use our media arm to slander you as criminals.
Use that slander to mark you for physical attack.
Use the resultant altercation to have you charged with organised crime laws.
Toss you in jail and/or disbar you from gathering on threat of further charges.

Ergo the public square is now a dead letter. Trump is evidently incapable-of or unwilling-to take control of the Federal apparatus. Right wing money is either incapable-of or unwilling-to back their street level players in court and escalate to the SCOTUS where necessary.

From this point on it would be wise to assume that anywhere the Feds have reach is governed by the “they can only hang you once” rule. Violence will now go from zero to 100 with little to no warning in the interim, because the Left is allowed to run amok while the Right is not even allowed to gather in public and defend themselves from the inevitable attack.

And lets not kid ourselves that the FBI backtracking on the Proudboys is a win. Those fuckers were keeping that on the down low and got caught. They haven’t changed a single fucking stripe of their deep state colors. They’ve just shifted the Proudboys to the “not technically a hate-group, buuuuuuuuuutttttt…” list.