Gab's Torba Prefers Blocking and Banning Critics Over Dialogue

Originally published at:

Last night Andrew Torba decided to block myself and The Krypto Report’s host Azzmador on Gab because we criticized his decisions that have effectively turned Gab into a digital wasteland.

He has blocked if not banned numerous other people who have criticized his management of the site. We’ve effectively witnessed the management of one of the bigger alt-tech sites hit the self-destruct button on their own site for reasons that are not yet fully known or explained. This is important because despite its numerous problems, Gab still hosted a significant amount of dissident content.

Torba blocking his critics is really quite ironic considering that he refused to implement a block function in the early days of Gab citing “free speech” reasons. He eventually had to implement a block function after numerous users complained that their feeds were unusable. The lack of a block function allowed Jews and other malicious actors to disrupt people’s feeds with spam posts and homosexual porn. You couldn’t just “mute” them as Torba originally advocated.

Be that as it may, Torba has shown that he prefers to block and ban his critics over substantive dialogue. His ridiculous decision to make posting images and videos a paid feature, without any sort of prior discussion with the user community, is further proof of this. He made this change announcement two days before implementing it and effectively gave zero shits about how the user community would react to it.

I could totally understand him blocking people who were engaging in non-substantive personal attacks but that’s not what he’s been doing. He’s been blocking and banning people who have legitimate questions about his weird decisions that have lowered user engagement and objectively made the site’s content worse. He has basically validated his critics by default. If we were wrong, he could have simply pointed out why we were wrong and offer a logical argument as to where we were wrong.

Finally, it looks as if Torba has purged all previous posts from his @BasedTorba account on Twitter/X. This is the very opposite of “based.”

He’s objectively been a total asshole to myself and others who helped put Gab on the map back in 2017. At that time, Gab was the only available alternative social media option available after the Charlottesville mass ban situation. There wasn’t much going on there before that. We helped bring huge numbers of users to his site. He repaid us with shadow bans, disrespect and finally ransom demands for the “privilege” of posting memes. All the criticism that he’s received is fully deserved and he has nobody to blame but himself.


what do you expect from a guy who worships a Jew as his, God?

Soon, Torba will be in Israel wearing the small hat while paying homage to a stone wall.


@ZyklonBee I totally believe that. Torba is a real flake who can never, ever be trusted. The fact that he constantly puts his religious beliefs on display is a big red flag for me. And blocking people is a real bitch move, unless they are spamming or threatening you.


Gab appears to be on its way to becoming just another normie echo chamber where content is moderated and censored - while claiming to be for “free speech.” Seems to be happening a lot lately…

Hopefully, those great accounts that are still left will “see the light” and leave with all of their followers.

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it was that way long ago which is why I attacked the Trumpies with the video of Melania fucking Hunter.

Gab reminds me of another site called “biker or not” which is full of, pro-war, hoo-rah, America right or wrong, flag-waiving, Bushies. I joined at the height of the Bush Wars. I foolishly tried to explain to them that 9/11 was done by our own government and the Iraqis are just defending their homeland. They went nuts attacking me on my “wall” which according to the bikers was a clear sign that I was wrong. “look at your wall ! " hahahaha…”. One of my favorites that they all said was: “we’re fighting them over there so we don’t have to fight them here…”. I wonder what Jew thought of this bullshit to fool the goyim…

20 years has passed and I doubt that any of them have learned a damned thing.

All of those Bushie bikers are now Trumpie-scum doing their part to save America by riding loud motorcycles and sporting T-shirts that read: “FREEDOM” and “TRUMP”.

This is the best that the White Republcan party can do so just learn to live with it.


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