Gab's Former CTO Threatens to Digitally Murder Radio Host

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Gab’s former Chief Technology Officer Rob Colbert just threatened to digitally murder radio host Azzmador of The Krypto Report along with other people who post their opinions on the Internet.

His threats come after Azzmador addressed a grievance Colbert had over the particulars of him leaving his job at Gab. He did this on the first half of his show last night.

This was in response to a very large wall of text Colbert posted in response to a previous edition of TKR which dissected all of the insanity going on at Gab. Colbert was actually a very small part of the discussion but that did not stop him from raging about it.

Some have reported that Colbert was fired and/or forced out at Gab whereas Colbert is adamant that he quit Gab. Azzmador said that he would take Colbert’s word for it expecting that this would put an end to the matter. Unfortunately, it did not put an end to the matter.

The issue of how Colbert left Gab is obviously a relatively trivial matter to the larger subject of Gab’s ongoing self-destruction. Nobody really cares about it. The only person who seems to care about it is Colbert. He obviously was not satisfied with what he heard from Azzmador and felt the need to respond with the aforementioned digital murder threat.

He even threatened a random person on Gab who said that he was being an “unhinged fucking retard” for threatening people whose speech he does not like.

On top of this, he has made claims that people have been doing denial of service attacks against his websites. He also says that someone did a SWAT on him and his family.

He provided no evidence of these things so we can only speculate if they are true or not.

Just the fact that Gab chose to put such an emotionally unhinged person in charge of their technology department for any period of time speaks volumes about the operation they are running over there. There was no deliberate effort by Azzmador to lie about Colbert and it is totally fair for people to talk about and discuss why he ultimately left his role at Gab. That’s why it is so bizarre to see him getting so mad over this.

But why would Gab hire a person who gets this angry over someone else’s perspectives? It is an especially pertinent question considering he was being tasked to run technology for a site that was allegedly founded on the promise to let people speak freely.

On top of threatening to digitally murder people for their speech, he has already made public statements saying that freedom of speech is “horseshit” and also made threats to publish dossiers meant to dox Gab users. This is something that I’ve covered in previous articles. These comments make the previous decision to put Colbert in charge of Gab’s technology team all the more questionable.

Colbert’s public statements like anybody else’s public statements are open to any and all criticism. It is all fair game and for him to complain about what people are saying about him is absurd. He has foolishly decided to make these statements during a time in which Gab is actively pushing against free speech and making people pay to post memes. He’s made a spectacle and a fool out of himself by doing this.

I didn’t even know who he was until he made the threat to write dossiers and dox Gab users. A statement of which I felt was in the public’s interest considering everything that’s been going on. That is why myself and many others wrote and talked about it.

Worse yet is that it doesn’t look as if he is taking people’s advice to calm down.

He should take this advice as he’s only digging a bigger and bigger hole for himself with his continued tirades and threats. If he thinks endlessly threatening people is going to be good for him he’s seriously mistaken.

The only good news for Rob is that his ugly cunt wife seems to support him unconditionally. He has that much going for him at least.

h/t UnCL3


I have always heard that weak people threaten, strong people act.


Pathetic threats from a obviously “unhinged fucking retard.”

No wonder Gab is dying.


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