Gab's Former CTO Boasts About Cooperating With the FBI

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Rob Colbert the former CTO of Gab just publicly boasted about the FBI coming to his house and sitting in his kitchen. He also bragged about giving the FBI testimony and data.


Some might say that this is him trolling etc.. but this is not something you troll about. Considering his previously unhinged behavior threatening people over their speech, we have to take him at his word.

Besides, Andrew Torba Gab’s CEO has previously cooperated with the FBI. He did this back when the whole Pittsburgh synagogue shooting thing was in the news. Around 2018 or so.

Just read this news blurb from back then.


Andrew Torba, the CEO of, testified he founded Gab to address what he saw as a need for free speech. He answered that can include antisemitic content “if it’s protected by the First Amendment.”

Torba said he contacted the FBI and shut down defendant Robert Bowers’ Gab account after the synagogue shooting.

Torba says he was involved in exporting Gab data files of Bowers’ account and providing them to federal investigators.

Interestingly enough, Torba has locked his Twitter account which is the exact opposite of “based.” He obviously can’t handle any of the criticism he has gotten for all the fucked up policies he’s implemented. He’s also let Colbert talk about doxing users etc.. with no consequence.



I can see why Terbo was laughed out of Silicon Alley. What a dangerously inept mental case he turned out to be. The same goes for his “former” CTO Rob Colbert, who must surely be related to fellow asshole Steven Colbert.

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