Gab to Make Image and Video Uploads a "Premium" Feature

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Andrew Torba who runs Gab said the other day that starting next month they will be forcing users to pay for a premium account in order to upload images and videos. He says they are doing this because they can’t afford the storage required to deal with all the uploads.

Here’s his post on the subject.


This is a good way to kill off the site. One of the few redeeming qualities of Gab has been the ability for people to post funny politically incorrect memes and things of that sort. People are not going to pay for the “privilege” of posting images and videos. This is a basic feature that has been available across social media sites for many years. Making it a “premium” feature is ridiculous.

There are better ways of handling this. If storage was an issue they could have implemented some sort of retention policy where after a period of time older images and videos get purged from storage. While not ideal, I think people could at least understand that. Making people pay for this ability just makes it look like he’s doing a cash grab.

Gab has never been a great site. Outside of being able to say words like “nigger” and spreading politically incorrect memes, there’s really not a whole lot that’s been great about it. There’s all sorts of bots that artificially boost boring and uninteresting MAGA posts to the top of its explore page. Plus, the site has been buggy as hell its entire existence. It’s basically a digital ghetto and this move by Torba is only going to make the site less relevant than it is now.


I uploaded a link to Hunter fucking Melania that was a video taken from Hunter’s infamous laptop. I did so to educate and infuriate the mindless, flag-waiving, Trumpies. TorbaCo banned my account for: “repeatedly posting porn”.

I told them that this was from Hunter’s laptop and as such was newsworthy. I didn’t post the video only a link to the video from, it’s not a porn site just a site filled with nude, Hollywood celebrity whores and such.

But I got tired of arguing with the gab religious nuts and told them to delete my account. I don’t have much patience for this crap. They responded and told me that my account and all my content has been deleted.

So I just did a search for the Hunter / Melania sex tape and IT’S GONE, replaced by this: Melania Trump Nude Photos & Naked Sex Videos. Someone put the thumbscrews on the owner of this site.

But fear not fellow Nazis I saved a copy and will send one to you if you message me. this is the real deal not a deep-fake and you can tell by the way it begins and many other things. Hunter is telling Melania that she didn’t know English but now speaks English well. Melania responds: “Don’t remind me that”.

Here’s a still from the beginning of the video. " It’s one big club and you ain’t in it. ".

Screen Shot 2024-02-28 at 11.36.22 AM


Excellent commentary as usual, Mr. Infostormer. Dorbo has been screwing around with Gab since 2016 but it was always, ALWAYS clunky, buggy and user-unfriendly. And it’s filled with MAGA boomer assholes who monopolize the site with their dumb, stale and thoroughly cringeworthy Trump memes. There’s virtually no interaction either, at least nothing worth reading. If anyone can suggest another social media site that isn’t as gay or stupid as Gab I would really appreciate it.


YES… that’s why I was determined to piss them off. they all complained like pussies to Torba and got me banned. I despise Trumpies.


Starting tomorrow, it will cost you a monthly fee of $15 to become a “Pro user” if you want to attach media to a post.

Fuck you, Torba.

I suggest everyone with a gab account go there TODAY and POST HITLERS (and other non-politically correct content). If you DO NOT have a gab account, make one TODAY and hit it with the Hitlers.

I predict RECORD LOW GAB TRAFFIC tomorrow.


Imagine paying that swarthy, sneaky little rodent for the “privilege” of using his clunky and buggy “social” media site, a place where you’re blocked by half the accounts, including the swarthy, sneaky little rodent himself.


I’m giving poast a try for a while.


The cocksucker banned entire IP ranges the day before so nobody could tell him what a grifting cunt he is.



I figured it was only a matter of time before Jews co-opted Gab and imposed their usual ADL censorship and deletion of accounts they don’t like. RE: “X” formerly Twitter.

Wonder if Torba was threatened? Jews certainly brought Elon Musk and “X” to heel - after he swore he was going to be a free speech absolutist. What a joke, he is now kissing Jew ass and kow-towing to Jews all over the world. The ban I got on Twitter carried over on X, I’ve never been able to get back on.

I expect Gab will become another “X” - under the direction of Jonathan Greenblatt.



This guy is making a big mistake. He is pissing everyone off, and will lose his best and most interesting people. I have my doubts about the survival of the site.


Torba is an Xtian nut. I don’t trust people who believe bullshit on “faith”.

Illogic anywhere is a threat to logic everywhere.


It’s happened I can no longer post an image :rage:.
As if images take up much space at all most of them do not why not just limit the image size to like 300kb or something.
I supported gab by donating, and got nothing in return, and now they want to force me to, after I already donated? FU gab.
Forgot the first word in the phrase “free speech”?


Are you saying you want 4 more years of the fully-kiked Biden admin? Is there another choice for president I’m not seeing?
Unless I am wrong we only have 2 choices,
Your attempt to start a trolling flame war on every post seems very rat traitor jew informer NARC like. Do you want to continue to have white friends and safe friendly white communities or do you want Biden and the kikes importing tons of niggers to your town? Do you want cheaper gas or do you want to pay a ton for gas/food/everything? Do you want tranny queers everywhere and teaching our kids, support for Israel baby killers and their non stop wars, etc etc?

Too consumed trying to troll and anger Trumpies on the net that probably never read a single post of yours? You’ll try to troll me now for saying something? Can you go troll Trumpies somewhere else? You’re obviously a selfish and foolish person who’s not thinking about our race’s future, only the shallow satisfaction only you get from trolling Trumpies.

take the Trumpcine and DIE.

Enjoy niggerworld moron. Enjoy Bidenflation, & Jews ruling over you.

fuck-off, pos Trumpie.

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I didn’t make myself clear. No, I’m saying "fuck you and anyone who looks like you.

Sorry for the confusion.

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I didn’t even know you were on here o/

sup muh nigga?

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