Gab is Back Despite Jew Plot to Ban it Off the Internet

Originally published at: Gab is Back Despite Jew Plot to Ban it Off the Internet |

It looks like Gab is back online. The site is a bit buggy but it is back. It will probably take them some time for their new engineering staff to work out the bugs.

Just minutes after it returned online, people were on Twitter whining about the Jew hate being posted. lol

Despite some of my differences with the site’s management, I am glad Gab is back online. The Jews tried to shut the site down through smears which led to them getting thrown off of services critical to the site’s functionality. This has backfired because all they’ve done is increase the brand recognition of the site. People are going to be naturally curious and will be drawn to check out what all the fuss was about. Hopefully some of the saner actors on the platform will be able to educate new Gab community members about the Jewish problem.

After all, it was pressure from the Jew-run media and other Jewish organizations like the Anti-Defamation League and Southern Poverty Law Center that forced them offline. Gab would have never been forced offline if it wasn’t for the big Jew.

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When I get back on Gab there’s going to be lots of wailing and gnashing of teeth, I’ll tell you what.:star_of_david::cry::+1:

Will we have the pleasure of seeing Lee “Info” Stormer there as well?


I just made a couple of posts on there. First time in five months.

Not sure if I’ll re-engage like I used to. Just depends on what the new vibe of the site will be.

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It’s a ADL/Mossad honeypot Operation.
Avoid indefinitely.

They have admitted to working with the FEDs!!! Who would go back there???
A Honeypot is fake (or legit) site set up to gather intel. Do your research.

Let’s imagine Gab really is a FBI honeypot. Some servers in the FBI or accessible by the FBI system and they eventually get all the IP’s and what computers from those IP’s search for, for example.
Be cautious, remember Matt Hale anyone?
If you’re on Gab you are being monitored and documented.
Be advised. You were warned.

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Torba is banning “Nazis” on Gab from what I am reading. I guess the jew pressure got to him. Some well known names have been booted.


Be careful, Torba is gunning for people who go overboard with exposing the jew.


This would certainly explain why the site is back up.

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Unless you are actively using a variety of privacy tools you should assume that you are being monitored and documented everywhere you go on the Internet. Gab, Twitter, etc… it doesn’t matter.

I’ve already publicly criticized Torba for his choice of the domain name but I’ve seen no substantive proof that he’s Jewish.

He’s trying to run a social media site though, not some underground Nazi group, so he’s obviously going to cooperate with law enforcement if they request information on a guy who is alleged to have murdered a bunch of Jews. There isn’t a platform anywhere that wouldn’t cooperate under these circumstances.

My main problem with Gab is how he’s managed it. You can’t block people which allows people to spam your feeds with porn and other garbage. And he’s made questionable decisions on bans. Plus, there appeared to be lots of feds and crazy meth posting lunatics on the platform several months ago.

But the ADL was publicly pushing to have Gab shut down which I don’t think they would do if it was a legit ADL/Mossad honeypot.


If that is indeed true, than that undermines his claim of it being a free speech platform.


I lost endless followers. I´m not sure, but dudes like MosheShekelrod are gone. On the other hand, I was no big fan of GAB and used it only for relatively few posts.


I posted this edgy Bowers post (I don´t endorse his actions!). I want to check their “Free Speech” policy.


correct me if I’m wrong, but how does giving someone the ability to block spammers on Gab impinge upon the first amendment?

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Robert Bowers literally did nothing wrong.

I think they were purging bots from the site which may have impacted people’s followers.

I don’t get it either. People have a right to free speech but they don’t have a right to be listened to. That’s why the lack of a block functionality doesn’t make much sense to me. Especially when they are clogging up your feed with porn and other crap.


maybe he’s getting a cut of referred traffic, it’s the only reason I can think of? Pretty shit business model imo.

Drop gabbi as its jewish finger print all over it. Stay true to the stormer. I have never saw a more obvious honey pot than something that LITERALLY translates to rabbis assistant.

Yeah that gabbai thing is hard to get past. I think the site was crawling with feds and other shady people but I’m not going to go so far as to say that it’s been a deliberate honeypot. The Jews conspired to shut the site down after all. Usually they don’t do this sort of thing to an operation that they are secretly controlling.

I’m glad Gab is back online, but it’s still a digital social media ghetto. So I’ll absolutely be focusing my attention on writing for DS and maintaining this site.

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