Gab Has Turned Into a Raging Dumpster Fire

Originally published at:

The world of alternative social media mostly sucks, but it now sucks even more thanks to some of the things going on over at Gab. Gab’s CEO Andrew Torba made a decision to charge users for posting images and videos which has effectively rendered the site useless for spreading memes organically. This was literally the primary function of the site and now it is gone.

This image from The Krypto Report’s Azzmador pretty much describes the situation.


You literally now have to pay Gab to post images and videos. No other social media site makes these basic social media functions premium features and for good reason. It vastly limits the spread of content and interactions which is the opposite of what you want running a social media site.

Torba claimed that he could no longer afford the storage for all these images and videos that were being posted. While that excuse is highly questionable to begin with, if he legitimately could not afford storage, there are ways around this. You could set file size limits or purge older data etc.. He comically said that purging older data would be wrong because he views Gab like a modern day “Library of Alexandria.”


He claims this even though Gab’s search feature is the absolute shits. You can’t find anything with it. Plus, the primary function of social media is to discuss current events. The historical component of it is a secondary function. Besides, if he really viewed Gab as some type of “library” he would have made proper investments in storage before any of this became an issue.

On top of that, Gab fully admits that free users are now shadow banned. As one of the reasons they claim you should buy a Gab Pro account, they say that your posts will get extra exposure.


In other words, they are shadow banning free users by elevating paid users with the algorithm.

There have also been a number of Gab users banned who have been critical of Torba’s management decisions. This came after he talked about taking “subversive trash” out.

He later offered a clarification claiming that he wasn’t targeting people who have been critical of the decisions being made.


This does not appear to be true.

One of the banned users Judge Dread said that Torba’s post was posted simultaneously with his ban. He also rightly remarked how there was no way Torba has 4.2 million followers based on the number of reactions and interaction he received.


Judge Dread has moved to another alternative social media site called Poast and is offering some interesting commentary on the situation. Other users who have been banned from Gab are there also.

There’s of course other issues like all the lame posts artificially promoted by bots etc.. but the things that have transpired over the past week are the most problematic of issues.

My Gab account is still active but I have no idea how much longer it will be in service considering I will not buy a Pro account and I have a variety of issues with these very poor decisions. I have also been directly criticizing Torba in public using the account.

Regardless, it does seem as if Gab is self-destructing. These policies they are implementing are just absurd and utterly ridiculous.


Torba could limit image size. over and over again people will upload 1mb or 3mb images when 30K would suffice. Most memes don’t need high resolution.

I don’t give a shit about Gab after they banned me for posting the video LINK of Melania fucking Hunter. This video is now being scrubbed from the internet so you know it’s the real deal.


@Bon That article was a real eye-opener, ma’am!


They’re going to miss me and muh memes o/



I’m sure Trump and Melania have what used to be called an “open marriage”. Powerful celebrity couples are often libertines. But it’s funny how the rubes in Flyover Country, USA genuinely believe Trump is one of them, ie, an America First Christian and conservative. In reality he is an Israel First Rockefeller Republican who has probably never even read the Bible.

I just started new accounts on Minds, Poast and Nicecrew. But the problem is that Minds is full of normie conservatives, while the other two platforms have a lot of furries and anime weirdos. So for the time being I will probably remain on Gab, albeit for less periods of time. As far as Judge Dread goes he is an arrogant, self-important jerk who needed to be taken down a few pegs, so Blorba did the right thing by banning him.

I think Gab was just a scam from the beginning. Terbo has made millions off of it, mostly from subscriptions and contributions. But obviously none of that money was ever spent on improving the site, even though he constantly reassured investors that all sorts of amazing projects were in the works. Dorbo could be getting ready to scuttle Gab altogether and move on to his next dishonest scheme. But first he wants to squeeze a few last shekels out of his trusting and naive MAGA boomer customers.


I’d be outta there too - except Incogman, Dissident Soap and Daniel Concannon are there (and nowhere else that I know of).


YES… the Conservies like the Liberals have no fucking clue about, The Club. There’s some infighting among them but when the dust settles they’re all kissing cousins.

There are vids of Trump stating what great people are The Clintons. There’s a Jewish word for it, “schmoozing” .

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shit…ax em ta joyn


PLUS can’t you do BOFE?


What does BOFE mean?

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nigspeak for BOTH lol


LOL, Got it. BOFF

I’ll pass it on to Incog. I also can’t see Handsome Truth staying on Gab.

I’ll check out those sites you (and others) suggested.


Melania screwing Hunter? I never heard of that video. What was she doing banging that twerp? Or is it just a meme or something? Just curious. I seriously haven’t heard if it til now.

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I saved the video because I knew that it would get scrubbed from the net. I need to upload it somewhere where it won’t be taken down. It’s the real deal though, with Hunter talking to Melania before the “show”.

You would be enthusiastically welcomed on, ma’am!

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@ZyklonBee You sure it’s not…I don’t know what to call it…“parody porn” from Hustler? Because they have done a lot of films where the participants are made to resemble celebrities and political figures.

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I’m trying to figure out a way to get it hosed on the net so I can post a link here. I posted the link when it was on CelebJihad but no one cared. It’s the real deal. if not change my mind, i’m open. you’ll see when you watch.


see if this works:

I will check it out - most likely this weekend when I’m not pressed for time…

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