Gab Bans Links to Jacob Torba's Homosexual Butthole Wedding

Originally published at:

Update: The faggot butthole wedding info was taken down. Here’s an archive of it.

It was recently discovered that alleged Christian and Gab CEO Andrew Torba has a brother named Jacob Torba who is apparently having a homosexual butthole wedding later this year. This according to the wedding planning site Zola which shows the full details of Jacob’s anal wedding. You can see it here.

Just look at this ugly faggot couple.


When myself and others tried to publish a Gab post with a direct link to the anal wedding, Gab responded by saying that the link was flagged as spam.

KekistaniWanderer reported the same issue so I can assure you that it has nothing to do with my client machine! This is a much larger problem!

After experiencing this issue, I immediately contacted Gab support as instructed. I would have emailed Gab support, but I felt that this was an extremely urgent matter. That’s why I tagged both Andrew and Gab Support in a separate public Gab post.

Unfortunately, I have not heard back from Gab Support about this problem. I am hoping that Gab Support will soon respond back to me with a case number for my reference. I have heard many great things about Gab’s Support Team so my expectations are very high that they will help me fully resolve this issue!

All that aside, there are ways around the block but that’s not the interesting part about all this. What’s interesting is the fact that Torba seems to have deliberately blocked this specific link to his brother’s anal wedding. A random wedding site wouldn’t be automatically blocked as spam by some background process or script by mistake. Especially not a specific URL like this. There’s every reason to believe that this link block was manual and deliberate as this information raises all sorts of questions about Torba’s grift as an alleged Christian Nationalist person or whatever.

He is literally credited as the co-author of a book called “Christian Nationalism” with someone named Andrew Isker.

Suffice to say, homosexuality is not a Christian value and Andrew has to my knowledge not publicly condemned his brother for this awful faggotry. Instead, people have reported being banned off of Gab for bringing up this topic.

Take in point Judge Dread.

Mr. Dread said on Poast that Torba’s faggot brother had him banned for accurately calling him a faggot.

This whole situation raises further questions about Gab which was allegedly built on the promise of letting people “speak freely.” Blocking links to faggot weddings and banning people over it because it is personally and professionally embarrassing to Gab’s management team is the opposite of free speech. It is nothing more than blatant censorship.

Talk about a fucking clown show. This shit just gets more stupid and ridiculous by the day.

Andrew Torba like his brother is a very big faggot for participating in all of this stupid chicanery. He could have at least been open and honest about the situation, but he seems to have zero interest in doing that. Instead he’s done all this weird shit and even filled his public Gab feed with endless “reposts” to conceal criticism on this matter along with the ongoing user exodus off the site.


The Torbas are most likely a family of donmeh jews or gypsies from Turkey; They are certainly swarthy enough for that. There is nothing in their history that I know of which would suggest any of them were ever Christians, although I could be wrong. Torba’s mom is a fortune teller or something. Always exercise extreme caution (and skepticism) when doing business with anyone like Handy Andy, a real shady character who gratuitously advertises his peculiar religious beliefs.


I thought the gay wedding was all made up b/c there is so much Torba-bashing going on (he well deserves it IMO).

Now I know it’s real - you can’t make this stuff up…

How soon before the entire platform (which is already burning) implodes in upon itself into a smoldering heap?

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