Freedom-Hating EU Whines About Freedom in China

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Members of the European Parliament are whining about freedom in China by citing the events in Tiananmen Square back in 1989. They put up some replica monument called “The Pillar of Shame” to remind the Chinese how bad they are because of those events.

The Pillar of Shame, commemorating the Beijing blood bath of June 4th, 1989, was confiscated in Hong Kong, where it had been erected in 1995, before Hong Kong returned to the PRC. A replica was presented today in front of the European Parliament on the initiative of MEPs.

— Reinhard Bütikofer (@bueti) March 19, 2024

Powerful moment @Europarl_EN w/'Pillar of Shame' creator @Galschiot—to remember those oppressed by the Chinese regime.

From Tiananmen to Hong Kong—where a new law threatens remaining liberties—brave ppl have stood for freedom. We won't forget them! Nor forget the Chinese…

— David Lega (@DavidLega) March 20, 2024

This is just an absurd spectacle.

The EU is literally one of the most anti-freedom organizations in the world. They have regularly pushed to adopt new lies on speech censorship and have supported laws against people who question the comical Jewish Holocaust hoax. They have no standing to criticize China for anything pertaining to “freedom” let alone for things that happened back in the late 1980s.

You literally can’t criticize Jews, women, racial minorities, homosexuals etc.. without facing some type of consequence in EU countries. You can however criticize these things in China which makes China freer than Europe.

I’m just exhausted with these tiring and stupid moral lectures from these people when they themselves push the very things they are accusing others of. It’s so fake, hypocritical and ridiculous.


Someone should construct a life size model of the 30,000 corpses of the innocents these satanic jewish monsters have murdered over the past 7 months. Parade it around every kike-sucking Western nation who “stands with Israel”.


As 93yo Ursula Haverbeck sits in prison for “holocaust denial” and who knows how many “hate speech” political prisoners fill EU jails, their scum-bag “leaders” denounce Chinese authoritarianism. Somehow all of this is lost on your average White European… I hope that they’re all soon depopulated and Niggers start running their countries.


The EU should be called the SU:
The ‘SCREW U’nion Since that is what they’re doing to Europe currently.
Their moral speak is totally gay and an insult to all Europeans who have done well without them for thousands of years.

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