Free Tommy Robinson protest, London July 14

I attended yesterday’s “Free Tommy Robinson” demo in London. Police estimates said 6,000 to 8,000 turned up, including a group of Trump supporters who merged with TR supporters, although some media reports claimed only 2,000.

Around 1:30 to 2:00 pm, TR supporters were on Trafalgar Square, along Whitehall, and drinking in Whitehall pubs. At 2:00 we set off from Trafalgar Square, “marching” / walking along Whitehall to the stage area with the large screen and sound system.

This video shows the marchers arriving at the stage area in Whitehall. At the start as people appear in the distance, a person on the stage says, “That’s more like it”, and within a minute or two the crowd has arrived.

The “warm-up” speeches were delivered round 2:40 to 3:00, with the main speakers on stage - and video speeches shown of those who couldn’t be there - from 3 pm to 5 pm.

On the one hand it’s good that people will turn out in their thousands to protest against mass immigration, forced Islamization, anti-free speech laws, jailing of people who have stated politically incorrect facts, the tacit approval of child abuse and grooming by Islamists, the government’s failure to deliver Brexit, and as a counterforce to loony libtard protests against Trump (as opposed to legitimate criticism of Trump’s submitting to Jewish blackmail such as ordering missile strikes on Syria for no valid reason, etc.).

On the other hand, the pro-“Tommy Robinson” (real name Stephen Christopher Yaxley-Lennon) operations are clearly a kosher controlled opposition like Alex Jones. Daniel Pipes’ Philadelphia-based Middle East Forum has admitted to funding and organizing both the June 9 and July 14 “Free Tommy Robinson” events in London.

Speakers never criticize the Jews, and certainly never tell the audience that Jews are / were behind mass immigration and multiculturalism, the 9/11 attacks, pressing for wars for Israel, and creating the “perfect storm” by having Muslims in White nations bent on revenge after Islamist nations were attacked on a false pretext by Zionist forces.

They never reveal that Jews were responsible for the Bolshevik Revolution and communism, with the result of tens of millions of dead White people. They never admit that Jews were responsible for having the warmongering traitor Churchill repeatedly bomb Berlin and escalate a regional military conflict into a World War that would kill tens of millions of White people (in his speech Geert Wilders said some good things but even cited Churchill as the type of leader who should be emulated). And they won’t tell you that the Jews fabricated their story about “gas chambers” and “six million” ‘dead’ Jews in order to steal Palestine.


Someone posted a video showing how the antifa had gone home (presumably after getting paid), leaving their “Don’t let the racists divide us”, “REFUGEES WELCOME”, “FUCK THE NAZIS”, Stop the racist Tommy Robinson", etc. placards behind in the road. Some hadn’t even been opened, and were still sellotaped together.

It seems that George Soros is trying to save a few shekels by only paying part-time wages to antifa, lol!

The next video shows the police separating both sides. Antifa are outside a pub, and someone does Hitler salutes inside, which must have enraged them.

The antifa character describes his group as “sensible defenders of humanity and freedom”, but he looks like he is about to burst a blood vessel. “Freedom”? They are the ones who support shutting down free speech!

Sadiq Khan came in for much criticism. Balloons and flying inflatable dolls with Khan’s face on were flown above the crowd, including the one on the theme of SK mounting a pig!


I hope that these protests will eventually take on an explicitly pro free speech character.