France: Tenth Straight Weekend of "Yellow Vest" Protests

Originally published at: France: Tenth Straight Weekend of “Yellow Vest” Protests |

These “Yellow Vest” protests are continuing in France. Huge numbers of people took to the streets today marking the tenth straight weekend of these protests.

Here’s some clips.

Police as they have over the past several weeks are using gas and water cannons against the protesters.

What’s funny is seeing “journalists” claim that they are being unfairly targeted by the “Yellow Vest” protesters even though they’re the one’s propping up the corrupt establishment with their lies. Them hiding behind “free speech” and “free press” is bullshit because that doesn’t make them immune from criticism. If they didn’t want to be targets they should have simply reported the truth.

Hopefully these protests continue well into the future. France’s President Emmanuel Macron is a representative of Jewish globalism and this a popular uprising against it. What’s interesting is seeing how the Jewish media have basically stopped reporting on these protests. They’re trying to ignore them hoping that they will be successful in demoralizing the protesters. It doesn’t appear as if this strategy is working.


this is a sign that the protests are over much more than a new tax which was the fake news bullshit narrative that they peddled when the riots began. this wasn’t lost on the Yellow Vests. the very same globalists that control our news, controls their’s too. the fake news ‘journalists’ pretend to not understand their anger at them for fear of outing themselves.