France: One Dead, Several Injured in Protest Over High Fuel Prices

Originally published at: France: One Dead, Several Injured in Protest Over High Fuel Prices |

There’s a massive protest taking place in France today. The French are apparently angry about high fuel prices. Over 100,000 people are attending what is being called the “Yellow Vest” protest.

The one death involved an incident similar to what happened in Charlottesville last year. A motorist basically freaked out and ran over some people. Of course, the motorist is not having their picture broadcast all over the media and being demonized as a murderer. That treatment is only reserved for White people who believe White people should have their own countries.

In addition to it being a protest against high fuel prices, it is also a protest against French President Emmanuel Macron. It’s as if the French are surprised that he’s not doing anything for working class people. This despite the fact that anybody with a couple of brain cells could see from the start that he was a Jewish puppet. Macron before winning office was an insider in the banking industry. But voting for Marine Le Pen would have been racist, so in order to avoid being called racist, the French voted in favor of Macron and Jewish globalism.

All that aside, this is a really dumb protest. The French should be protesting the fact that their country is being over run with Moslems and violent savages. That’s something to be legitimately angry over. But instead, they protest fuel prices even though the cost of fuel is only a small percentage of one’s income. There’s not even a ton Macron can do about this besides maybe cut some taxes. That’s because the price of fuel has much more to do with global economics which Macron has no control over.

This whole protest is just goofy and dumb.

There was at least one serious protester though.

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fuel prices are rising because Trumpy put sanctions on Iran to please the jews. but i THINK Macron also raised gas taxes to pay for his globalist savage invasion. it’s too late to protest globalism because France is doomed. they voted for the cocksucker because they are a bunch of cucked, snowflakes. the ONLY way to get their country back is civil war.

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People have cars in France? The liberals are always telling me that France (and Europe) have everything so good with public transit that ‘nobody needs a car’ and that ‘gas taxes are high to discourage its use which is good’.