Former Chief Rabbi Warns of Threat to Jews in the UK

Originally published at: Former Chief Rabbi Warns of Threat to Jews in the UK |

What will the UK possibly do without these demonic looking Jews in their country? Will the nation be able to survive without them? lol

A former chief rabbi is warning about the growing threat to Jews in the United Kingdom. Apparently the kikes are thinking about leaving the country because of increased anti-Semitism. They no longer believe it is safe to raise children there. How sad!


Britain's former chief rabbi has warned that Jewish people are thinking about leaving the country because of anti-Semitism.

Jonathan Sacks told the BBC on Sunday that for the first time in the 362 years Jews have been in Britain many question whether it is safe to raise children here.

He singled out Labour Party leader Jeremy Corbyn for failing to address anti-Semitic attitudes in the main opposition party, saying Corbyn would pose a danger as prime minister unless he expresses "clear remorse" for past statements.

Sacks said "when people hear the kind of language that has been coming out of Labour, that's been brought to the surface among Jeremy Corbyn's earlier speeches, they cannot but feel an existential threat."

These Jews are really something else. They have been the driving force behind pushing for unlimited third world immigration into Western countries. Many of these individuals have come from Islamic countries who hate Jews. So based on that, it is no surprise that hate towards Jews has increased in the UK. The Jews only have themselves to blame for this situation.

Jeremy Corbyn has promised Moslem Labour Party members that he is going to start throwing Jews in gas chambers as soon as he becomes the next British prime minister.

Another aspect to this flood of black and brown sludge into the West is that leftist parties like the UK's Labour Party are having its ranks filled with anti-Israel Moslems. They're now at a point where Corbyn who is anti-Israel himself, could become the next prime minister of the country.

So yeah, cry me a river Jews. Take a one way trip to Israel and don’t come back. You created the mess by demanding the UK get flooded with all these brown and black monkeys. And on top of that you shamed people for being evil “racists” if they protested these obviously insane policies.

It’s honestly ridiculous that these kikes think they can moan about what’s happening and get people to care about their plight when they created the entire problem for themselves.


They think themselves immune to their own poison. Looks like they are mistaken.


These white-skinned interlopers from the Caucasus enter our nations posing as “Whites” and pleading that they’re desperate refugees (e.g., on the lam from the ‘evil’ “Nazis”) who need sanctuary. Then they proceed to trash our countries by pushing for mass immigration of black and brown savages, they advocate wars that kill tens of millions of our people, they slaughter thousands of people in cold blood in their false-flag terror operations to promote yet more wars for the benefit of Jewry.

They take over the media to control people’s opinions, they create a fraudulent central banking system that lets them cream off however much cash they need to fund their wicked schemes such as their communism and Bolshevik Revolution that left tens of millions of White people dead and countless millions more impoverished. They crucify White boys in ritual murder sacrifices and drink their blood. They rip off their host population with usury, and they wreck their host nation’s culture by promoting degeneracy and peddling pornography.

And they have the nerve to complain when people don’t like them!

There is nothing “English” about Jonathan Sacks. His maternal grandfather was Eliyahu Ephraim Frumkin (1882-1958), born in Lithuania. He immigrated to Britain in 1894.


Sacks’ father Louis (1908-1996) was born in Kielce, Poland, and came to the UK in 1913, conveniently just in advance of WWI, and just as (((Paul Warburg’s))) Federal Reserve System was signed into law.


When the kikes are done destroying the west they will make the Aliyah back to Israel where they are safe from the damage they wrought.