Flaky Fag Jeff Flake Delays Vote on Kavanaugh

Originally published at: Flaky Fag Jeff Flake Delays Vote on Kavanaugh | Infostormer.com

Yesterday the flaky faggot Jeff Flake demanded a week long FBI investigation before a floor vote gets held on Brett Kavanaugh’s nomination to the Supreme Court. He wants the FBI to take a closer look at all of these absurd allegations made against Kavanaugh by these retarded skanks. As a member of the Senate Judiciary Committee he ultimately voted in favor of Brett Kavanaugh but on the condition that this disgraceful national circus of lies and false accusations is allowed to continue.

Prior to the committee’s vote some crazy cunts claiming to be “sexual assault” or “rape” survivors were somehow allowed to corner Flake in an elevator. They attempted to shame him in front of live news cameras to vote against Kavanaugh.

How the fuck was this allowed to happen? Why were these crazy people allowed to get this close to a United States Senator who is in the process of doing important government business? Where was the Capitol Police?

All of these “sexual assault” allegations against Kavanaugh are complete bullshit. It’s comical that we have people including members of the United States Senate endorsing this idea that Kavanaugh is guilty until proven innocent. The claims from all these skanks against Kavanaugh are ridiculous. They can’t name the place or the time of the incidents and there are no witnesses confirming their stories.

But somehow, this faggot Flake thinks it is prudent to have the FBI investigate? What are they supposed to investigate exactly? These dumb skanks aren’t providing concrete information about anything. They’ve also been caught in several lies. There is nothing credible about their allegations.

This delay is designed to give the Democrats and the kike-run media more time to come up with other things they can use to smear Kavanaugh. It doesn’t matter if the allegations are true or not. They’ll just keep saying that these smears have to be investigated so the process is further delayed. I mean fuck, at the hearing, the Democrats were bringing up shit written in yearbooks from the 1980s. So at this point, they’ll try smearing this man with anything. It matters not how insane or ridiculous it sounds.

Flake also had the look of a man who was being blackmailed or coerced in some manner. Maybe somebody has pictures of him raping kids or doing gay sex with someone. But honestly, who the fuck knows at this point.

Unfortunately, Republican leadership has not choice but to go along with this. It appears as if Susan Collins and Lisa Murkowski are also behind this pause to have the FBI look into this nonsense. Kavanaugh can’t be confirmed unless they get two of these three to support his nomination.

At the end of the day, if Republicans don’t confirm Kavanaugh, they will have given credibility to this insane process. It’s already done great damage to the Republic. How many people are going to want to serve in government positions after what has been done to Kavanaugh? That’s why he must be confirmed otherwise it sets the worst possible precedence one could imagine.

Either way, prepare for next week’s news cycle to be a complete and total circus. At the end of the week, the Jews in the media will probably be claiming that Kavanaugh fucks goats or some shit.

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If the local and state police can’t find anything to investigate regarding these alleged assaults then what the fuck is the FBI supposed to do? Boys getting rowdy at a high school party in 1982? How is any of this being taken seriously?

ANSWER: The kike media. They decide what your reality is, goyim.



Flake always has that “troubled” look on his face. I wonder what kind of dirt his jew masters have on him?

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most republicans (including Trump) are OK with a 7 day FBI check. Sure Flake is a pos BUT, why should repubs go to the wall for a guy that they don’t know when they do know that THE BITCHES will go fucking nuts if they confirm him without an investigation? if it turns out that Bret was a perv ( which is unlikely ) those repubs who supported the 7 day investigation are in the clear. if not, Trump just pics a justice who isn’t a crybaby and can pass an FBI investigation

It turns out the Goblina that confronted Flake in the elevator is an illegal alien from Columbia, somehow this is Flake and Americas problem because reasons. The funny thing is that she was doxed by Ocasio-Cortez.

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