Finland and Estonia Call for the EU to Ban Russians

Originally published at: Finland and Estonia Call for the EU to Ban Russians |

The foolish female leaders of Finland and Estonia are now calling for the European Union to ban Russians. This after the Jew Zelensky made this very insane demand.

Estonia, Finland want Europe to end Russian tourist visas

— The Associated Press (@AP) August 9, 2022

This whole concept of collective punishment is ridiculous. It’s an entirely Jewish concept. Plus, it is obviously not working to achieve any of their goals. The only collective punishment I’d ever support is collective punishment of the Jews because they are the one group of people who has fully endorsed this evil form of punishment.

But if the goal of this collective punishment was to thwart the Russian war machine in the Ukraine, it has not worked and it has only bolstered Russian support for Vladimir Putin. So to further proceed with new forms of collective punishment like this is stupid.

This statement by the Estonian prime minister is especially retarded. She says visiting Europe is a privilege and not a human right.

Stop issuing tourist visas to Russians. Visiting #Europe is a privilege, not a human right. Air travel from RU is shut down. It means while Schengen countries issue visas, neighbours to Russia carry the burden (FI, EE, LV – sole access points). Time to end tourism from Russia now

— Kaja Kallas (@kajakallas) August 9, 2022

Sure, go ahead and make that argument as Europe collapses economically and freezes this winter. Without Russian energy that’s basically what is going to happen to the entire continent. Continuing to agitate the Russians like this is probably not the greatest of ideas but keep doing it and see what happens.

Quite frankly, I don’t see this agenda going anywhere. But it really is quite the thing to see these moronic women asking the rest of Europe to further sacrifice for some abstract anti-Russian agenda that they can’t even explain.

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Not long ago I read a book that talked about social changes in the US and UK during World War 1 and immediately thereafter. Of course, dysgenic effects of the war were not touched on. Somewhat mockingly the author related some of the concerns of the heroic young men who were doing the actual fighting. Since women had been called upon to replace men in industry – in factories even (esp. munitions factories) – many soldiers were “afraid that the women they left behind would become mannish and unfeminine”. Many soldiers were concerned too, the author noted, by the extension of the franchise to women because, he scoffed, “they were worried that women would just use it to vote themselves into power”. Now there’s a ridiculous idea, eh?

Let me just add that while I am not happy with the war’s outcome, I do believe that these men were heroes.

What we need to do is ban women from making any important decisions.
Need to get to the kitchen and make me a sandwich there you can make important decisions befitting to one of your intelligence, like whether to make my sandwich a turkey or roast beef.

Does Russia not know that all you need to do to make a woman instantly change her mind is cry “that’s racist!”

These racist honkie bitches! Dats duh Scrimnations! Call Jesse Jackscoon and Al Sharpton and Al Roper and Don Lemon and Lester Holt and Montell Williams and Steve Harvey! Sheeeeeiiiit!

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