Fights Keep Breaking Out at Trump's Star on Walk of Fame

Originally published at: Fights Keep Breaking Out at Trump’s Star on Walk of Fame |

What the hell is wrong with these Communist assholes? They keep starting fights at Donald Trump’s star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame. Talk about a lack of tolerance from these cock sucking pieces of shit.

One guy even used an ax to destroy the Trump star. These people are completely insane individuals who do not belong in public. They can’t emotionally handle people who disagree with them. And if they don’t like President of the United States that much, than should fuck off to Central America or some other third world shithole.

We need to start shoving these fools in concentration camps if they don’t leave the country. I honestly hate these people and hope they all die.


I can just imagine how amused the Red Chinese, Iranians and Russians must be when they see idiotic bullshit like this going on inside our formerly great country. The world will be a much happier and more peaceful place after ZOG USA and its boss Kikestan are completely destroyed.


I wonder if /pol/ could do something with this. You know, get people to fight each other at Trump’s star. Think about it: a post on social media says something like, “Latino man looking for help distributing pro-Trump flyers. Meet me, Trump Star, Walk of fame. I have short dark hair, & will be wearing blue jeans & a tee shirt.” Then we just wait for two spics dressed like that to start fighting each other. But we need a live stream for teh lulz.


We are witnessing the result of the dumbing down of our society as a result of kike infestation.


I will have blue hair and be dressed like a slut.