FCC Ends Net Neutrality Despite Security Threat

Originally published at: FCC Ends Net Neutrality Despite Security Threat | Infostormer.com


The Federal Communications Commission just ended net neutrality by a 3-2 vote despite a security threat that temporarily disrupted the proceedings. All this does is return things to the way they were back in 2015. You would think that with all the hysterics coming from the Jews, Silicon Valley and a variety of Marxist terrorists that this was the end of the world. It is not the end of the world. In fact, it is better that net neutrality regulations are repealed.

The media spin on this has been retarded. Take for example this blurb from one of the big tech blogs.

Tech Crunch:

Despite overwhelming opposition from Congress, technical experts, advocacy organizations, and of course the American people, the FCC has voted to eliminate 2015’s Open Internet Order and the net neutrality protections it established.

The order passed today, “Restoring Internet Freedom,” essentially removes the FCC as a regulator of the broadband industry and relegates rules that prevented blocking and throttling content to the honor system. The FTC now ostensibly has that role, but it is far from an expert agency on this topic and cannot make preemptive rules like those that have been in place for the last few years.

As expected, the vote was 3 to 2 along party lines, with Chairman Ajit Pai and Republican Commissioners Brendan Carr and Michael O’Rielly voting in favor of the order, and Democratic Commissioners Mignon Clyburn and Jessica Rosenworcel voting against.

It is interesting that the 3 men on the panel voted to repeal it and the 2 women on the panel voted against it. Women are by and large a bunch of idiots and don’t know shit about technology. Women who have tried to run large technology firms have failed. It only took Marissa Mayer a few years to destroy Yahoo and she got paid many millions of dollars for her efforts. The fact that we have women at this high of a level within the FCC is dumb beyond imagination.

Either way, it is good that net neutrality regulations are repealed. Net neutrality regulations have not prevented Internet censorship from the likes of Google, Facebook, Twitter and other Silicon Valley firms. Of course, we didn’t see any of those leftists crying as these sites banned all sorts of people from their services for political reasons.

Repealing these rules also gives more incentive to new players entering the service provider market. More competition means more choices and more options.

The Internet was a better place in 2015. It is far worse now. This is just one step that will hopefully help improve things.

These leftist retards are going to look awfully silly when they’re still able to access the web like they did prior to this decision. It is funny to see the hysterics though. There’s a community meltdown happening on Twitter, Reddit and the other safe space social media sites as we speak.

Keep crying faggots!



It just seems to me that the only thing that will happen is that broadband vacuums like Netflix and JewTube might actually have to pay their way on the internetapps-by-internet-traffic

“net Neutrality” is such a mendacious name, you can count on it being the diametric opposite of what it pretends to be. It reminds me a lot of the “Affordable Care Act.”

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