FBI Kills 75-Year-Old Disabled Man For Not Liking Joe Biden

Originally published at: FBI Kills 75-Year-Old Disabled Man For Not Liking Joe Biden | Infostormer.com

The FBI raided and killed a 75-year-old Utah man because he did not like Joe Biden. The FBI alleges that he expressed interest in killing him on Facebook even though his posts appear to have been jokes.

JUST IN – FBI kills Utah man, who made threatening online posts against Joe Biden, during raid — ABC

— Disclose.tv (@disclosetv) August 9, 2023

There is zero evidence to suggest that this old man was a real threat. The guy was barely mobile, massively overweight and reportedly weighed 300lbs or so. That didn’t matter to the FBI though. They showed up at his house at 6AM and killed him.

FBI Shot and killed man in Utah:

– Swat team was used to take him out
– Man was nearly 80 years old and weighed 300lbs
– He lived with his disabled son and took care of him.
– He liked guns and was a retired wield inspector
– Man was a threat to nobody

— Shadow of Ezra (@ShadowofEzra) August 9, 2023

FBI agents murdered an elderly man in Utah today over some harmless jokes he made on Facebook. These people are sick

— Dr. Benjamin Braddock (@GraduatedBen) August 9, 2023

Every last person local Utah newspapers have interviewed about this man is mystified that the FBI could have possibly perceived him as a genuine threat pic.twitter.com/oQIQehqKIj

— Michael Tracey (@mtracey) August 10, 2023

People have made all sorts of non-serious threats including death threats towards politicians for years. I can’t remember a time in which this type of thing resulted in the government sending a team of armed FBI goons to their house to kill them.

Remember Kathy Griffin? Nobody from the FBI showed up at her house to shoot her dead.

The FBI just gunned down a 75-year-old conservative for "threatening" Biden on Facebook.

Kathy Griffin is still kicking, and indeed didn't even face a single consequence from law enforcement, for threatening to kill President Trump. pic.twitter.com/tfakOLbOdF

— Will Tanner (@Will_Tanner_1) August 10, 2023

Seems to me that the FBI killed this guy just to send a message. They want you to like Joe Biden and if you do not like Joe Biden, they are saying that the FBI might show up at your house and kill you. They may even kill your dog and fuck your dog after they are done killing your dog. That’s how sick these FBI faggots are.


The FBI is today’s Stasi or Cheka. They’re the govts assassins. The ADL is in direct contact with law enforcement and the FBI right from the jews mouths.


The FBI have to be the biggest pussies in the country. Full of wimpy Jews and incompetent Mormons, these people don’t have the brains or agency to go after real criminals, so they pick people like this man to target. They could do something about the drugs coming into the country but the cartel would fight back, and these slimy POS’ don’t have the balls to confront them.


They want to terrorize the people into silence. The 1/6 protesters are examples of what happens when you protest the current regime. I’m wondering if it’s worth it to protest Israel again this 9/11 anniversary. Nobody gives a shit anyway.


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