FBI Faggots Struggling to Afford Rent and Food

Originally published at: https://infostormer.com/fbi-faggots-struggling-to-afford-rent-and-food/

Here’s a hilarious story from earlier in the week. NPR did a report describing how FBI agents are struggling to afford rent and food because of inflation etc..


Many FBI agents based in cities with a high cost of living are struggling to make ends meet, forcing them to make hours-long commutes or double up in apartments, according to bureau and Justice Department officials.

Natalie Bara, president of the FBI Agents Association, said she’s heard from two or three agents sharing an apartment near New York City, and others who commute four hours each day, back and forth to their field offices. Some circumstances are even more extreme, she added.

“They’re having to juggle being able to afford rent and/or utilities versus being able to actually buy groceries, so it’s getting to a level where it’s becoming very, very difficult to not only recruit agents into these high cost of living areas, but also retain them in those areas,” said Bara, who is a second-generation FBI agent.

This is a very good sign. If the FBI isn’t able to pay agents enough money to afford a basic standard of living, they’ll have fewer and fewer people to recruit from. The fewer agents they have, the less ability they will have to harass people for saying mean words like “nigger” on the Internet and whatever.

On top of this, the FBI has proven throughout my life that it is a very evil and corrupt organization. They’ve hoaxed all sorts of fake terror plots only to act as heroes for stopping the attack they hoaxed. They’ve also enforced the law based on politics and not the rule of law itself. They’re even going around to random people and harassing them for things they say on social media sites.

As far as I’m concerned, anybody who works for the FBI is a corrupt faggot who deserves to be destitute and unable to afford a basic standard of living. It’s insane to me that people actually want to work for such an organization considering all that is known about them.


The Jews will fill the ranks with their own people who will be subsidised somehow eg big job for wife / husband.

What happens with UK military intelligence is that Israel and the jew-nighted snakes offer free resources to pick up the slack where Britain can’t afford to pay. So the UK ends up being more dependent and jew controlled.

This is ridiculous. Are they being paid less than minimum wage? Are they spending their entire salary on porn?

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The benefits of being a fed.
Aside from the inflation benefit, they also have the benefit of thousands, sometimes millions of people per day, talking on the net, saying what a bunch of crooks, faggots, and assholes they are.
A well-deserved assessment of them as a whole( a-hole).


Today’s FBI is a far cry from what it was under J.Edgar Hoover. He personally interviewed every new agent, examined their resumes and personal lives very closely and preferred college graduates with a background in accounting. Now any asshole who’s willing to do shameful things for a meager paycheck can be a “special agent”. What a joke this country has become.

My idea of a wasted life: Commuting 4 hours per day, to spend 8 hours patrolling the internet for unauthorized use of the word “nigger.” Get a real job, nigger!

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