FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe Fired by Jeff Sessions

Originally published at: FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe Fired by Jeff Sessions | Infostormer.com

FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe was officially fired by Attorney General Jeff Sessions late last night. This move means that McCabe will lose his pension. The firing was based off of the recommendation provided the the FBI’s Office of Professional Responsibility.

NBC News:

Attorney General Jeff Sessions late Friday night accepted the recommendation that former FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe, who took the reins of the agency during the turbulent days after the abrupt firing of James Comey, be terminated — two days before he was to retire and become eligible for full pension benefits.

Though McCabe — who has been attacked by President Donald Trump — stepped down as deputy director in late January, he remained on the federal payroll, planning to retire on Sunday. The firing places his federal pension in jeopardy.

Unlike Trump's removal of Comey last year, which produced widespread resentment inside the FBI, McCabe's termination was recommended by the agency he served for 21 years.

Sunday is McCabe's 50th birthday, which would have made him eligible for certain substantial retirement benefits.

The FBI's Office of Professional Responsibility proposed the termination, based on the findings of the Justice Department's inspector general. That office has been examining the bureau's handling of the Clinton e-mail investigation.

The President chimed in on the firing with the following tweets.

McCabe was basically given bribe money by Hillary Clinton’s people to ensure that the investigation into her illegal email server went nowhere. He also sat on the fact that her emails ended up on the Jew pervert Anthony Weiner’s computer in the weeks leading up to the 2016 election.

McCabe should have been fired a long time ago. Not only that, but he should be put in prison. He was at the center of the FBI’s corruption and undoubtedly broke numerous laws.

The fact that the Office of Professional Responsibility recommended his firing is proof that gross misconduct took place. It is not common that this type of recommendation comes down on anybody, let alone a top man at the FBI.


Unlike Trump’s removal of Comey last year, which produced widespread resentment inside the FBI, McCabe’s termination was recommended by the agency he served for 21 years.

Notice how NBC KIKE news distorts the truth, which is that Comey’s position as FBI Director was responsible for producing widespread resentment inside the Bureau, not that fact that he was fired. And McCabe didn’t serve the FBI, he served the Deep State and Crooked Cunt Clinton. :rage:

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I’ve been very dissapointed with Jeff Sessions. It’s like he is hiding. He was my only hope in trumps cabinet picks. But this may be a turn around or jump monkey jump by his master. Hope for the best but prepare for the worst.

On a side note he could be gathering massive amounts of corruption info on the swamp and it’s taking along time to process.


He was only 2 days away from retirement, lmao
