FBI Afraid National Guard Soldier Might Kill Joe Biden

Originally published at: FBI Afraid National Guard Soldier Might Kill Joe Biden | Infostormer.com

Things just keep getting weirder and weirder. The people associated with Joe Biden’s team seem to be afraid of a possible assassination plot involving a National Guard soldier. This has prompted the FBI to vet all the 25,000 soldiers that have been deployed to protect the inauguration.

More from the AP: U.S. defense officials say they're worried about an insider attack or other threat from service members involved in securing Joe Biden's inauguration, prompting the FBI to vet all of the 25,000 National Guard troops coming into Washington for the event.

— Kyle Griffin (@kylegriffin1) January 18, 2021

I’d like to know why they are so concerned. Old Joe got 81 million votes and is the most popular politician in American history. So why would someone want to assassinate him?

The only reason they’d be concerned about this is if he didn’t really get 81 million votes and he was elected by fraudulent means.

But honestly, this would be a perfect scenario for the communists. Assassinate Biden, blame supporters of the evil orange man and then install Kamala the terrible as President who would then lead a war against domestic MAGA terrorists.


“the wicked flee when no man pursueth”


Yeah these people should be celebrating senile Joe’s victory, but instead they all seem to be freaking out about everything.


Bullshit, not a single one of those cocksuckers has the balls to do a fucking thing except kneel in front of niggers. They’re just prepping everybody for their own false flag at the inauguration.


It’s definitely bullshit. There’s also photos of soldiers roaming around with no visible magazine in their weapon.


They’re gonna clip that senile maggot, they want that hindu streetshitter whore in there A.S.A.P, what better way to do that AND deem MAGA boomers as terrorists than a false flag… this shit is so obvious at this point it’s nauseating.


Even if they don’t decide to put old Joe out of his misery, all they will do is occasionally trot him out of the basement to make small scripted propaganda messages.


During the Vietnam war I heard about large unit commanders who would insist that troops no have bullets in their weapon when they visited the units. Also heard about commanders who severely limited grenades for fear of getting “fragged.” Sounds like the same paranoia re-visited, maybe there are some Vietnam War veterans working on the Biden Transition team who remember the “fraggings.”



They should be paranoid. They have no legitimacy and at least half the country does not view them as legitimate.

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