Fauci Says We're Living in an "Anti-Science" Era

Originally published at: Fauci Says We’re Living in an “Anti-Science” Era | Infostormer.com

Top virus hoaxer Anthony Fauci who has told people to take deadly fake vaccine shots for a non-existent pandemic, has said that we are living in a progressively “anti-science” era. He said that this is a dangerous thing.

Fauci's warning to America: 'We're living in a progressively anti-science era and that's a very dangerous thing' https://t.co/1aYzJj5WtC

— Los Angeles Times (@latimes) December 22, 2022

He’s actually correct but not for the right reasons.

Real scientific practices no longer exist. The entire scientific establishment has been taken over by special interests who don’t care about data or facts.

The virus hoax is a primary example of this. There was all sorts of scientific data showing that there was no deadly pandemic but this information was ignored and censored so pharmaceutical companies could profit off of selling deadly fake vaccine shots. There were also other political agendas at play that had nothing to do with actual science or the practice of sound scientific methods.

There’s also the climate change hoax which has been totally disproven after numerous failed predictions about rising ocean levels and what not. Pretty much the entire scientific establishment has been corrupted to the point where you seriously have to question almost everything that’s been put out since World War II.

Fauci is not actually implying any of this though. He is claiming that we are becoming more “anti-science” because an increasing number of people are not believing the lies that people like him are selling.

It’s comical that some evil bureaucrat like Fauci can claim to be any sort of scientific or health expert considering all the lies he pushed about the fake pandemic.

I’d like to know why he’s still in the news any way. With all the damage he’s caused, you’d think he’d keep a low profile, but he keeps putting himself out in public. His ego is just too big for him to go away silently.

If there’s any good news, it is that Fauci has condemned himself to hell for his role in this massive hoax. He may escape punishment in this life, but he won’t in the next one.



Science is measurable. If it is not measurable, it is not science.

– Robert Heinlein

“Science” is whatever the government says it is.

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