Fat Bitch Meghan McCain Wants Trump Supporters Sent to GITMO

Originally published at: Fat Bitch Meghan McCain Wants Trump Supporters Sent to GITMO | Infostormer.com

Meghan McCain is a dumb fat treasonous bitch just like her father. That’s why she’s saying that Donald Trump supporters are domestic terrorists like Al-Qaeda and that they should be sent to GITMO. She apparently takes stolen podiums really seriously.

Meghan McCain on the Capitol riots: "I’m not against sending these people to Gitmo, and that may sound extreme. These are domestic terrorists who attacked our own republic. They should be treated the same way we treat Al Qaeda." pic.twitter.com/D0wXLLaX54

— Justin Baragona (@justinbaragona) January 11, 2021

The MAGA terrorists should be prosecuted like any other terrorists who have attacked our homeland and be given the same severity of consequences. They should also be tried for treason. No mercy.

— Meghan McCain (@MeghanMcCain) January 11, 2021

To equate what happened at the Capitol last week with Al-Qaeda terrorists is cartoonish. The worst violence was from a cop who shot a female military veteran. But apparently that female military veteran is a terrorist according to McCain so it was good that the cop shot her for no reason.

This stupid cunt is literally claiming that the illegitimate ZOG regime is the real representation of the people and that the people who are opposing it are evil for being against it.


Yep. And just like that, lefties want to keep and fund GITMO.

Her father should be sent there for being instrumental in killing over 100 seamen doing his hotstart on the deck of a carrier. - if he wasn’t already burning in hell…

…and she should be sent to a fat renderer.


Yeah I remember when Obama said that he would get rid of GITMO lol.

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Her daddy killed more enlistees aka US Navy personnel than anyone at the Capitol, just saying.

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Not only that but John McCain was a devout Zionist terrorist. He was even photographed with Islamic militants that were basically ISIS/Al-Qaeda types and voted to support every jewish war imaginable.

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