Fake Vaccines Being Developed for Unknown "Disease X"

Originally published at: Fake Vaccines Being Developed for Unknown “Disease X” | Infostormer.com

Get this, they’re developing more fake vaccines for a fake disease called “Disease X.”

UK scientists have begun developing vaccines as insurance against a new pandemic caused by an unknown "Disease X".

The work is being done at the government's high-security Porton Down laboratory complex in Wiltshire.@SkyNewsThomas has more 👇https://t.co/YH3fdfgQ7u pic.twitter.com/eBk0WkAE5Y

— Sky News (@SkyNews) August 7, 2023

How the hell can you develop a vaccine for a disease that is not even identifiable or real?

Just WTF is this nonsense? And how the hell are people not asking obvious questions about this insanity?

One would only do such thing for nefarious reasons. Nefarious reasons like killing large numbers of people with an alleged vaccine that promises to keep people safe from an alleged illness. Of course, we already saw that with the COVID-19 hoax.

The other explanation is that this “Disease X” will have symptoms similar to all the injuries people have suffered with the fake COVID-19 vaccine injections. It could be a potential cover story for what happened during the COVID-19 hysteria.


I don’t think it’s a coincidence that “twitter” was renamed to X anymore. They’re gearing up for “pandemic” 2. Bill Gates talked about it. He said “…the next pandemic will get attention”.


If the people on both sides of the aisle fall for another govt hoax, they deserve everything they get


This person took the fake mRNA vaccine. Look what happened to their hand.


This is the obvious answer. I said this long ago: When the vaccine starts decimating humanity they’re going to blame it on another pathogen and mandate another round of vaccines… this was obvious from the git-go. It will be interesting to see if the TV Normies fall for it again.


I saw a woman at the grocery store in a beepy-cart with huge, swollen monster feet. she took The Vaccine…


The people I feel bad for are children and teens who were lied to by their parents and teachers and forced to take the death jab.


yes, and now the covid death-jab is included in with “routine” vaccinations. I think I posted this a while back but just in case someone hasn’t seen it. This is Doctor Humphries blowing the lid off of the vaccine scams. All vaccines are dangerous and don’t work.


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Excellent book by a great author on this subject: Murder by Injection, by Eustace Mullins.

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