Fake News Propagandists Honored at New Year's Eve Ball Drop

Originally published at: Fake News Propagandists Honored at New Year’s Eve Ball Drop | Infostormer.com

Fake news propagandists from the Jewish media complex were honored at the New Year’s Eve ball drop celebration in New York City. Specifically the Jewish charity group called the Committee to Protect Journalists run by some Jew named Joel Simon was recognized.

Several fake news “journalists” were also on hand to do the ball drop honors.

The problem with all this is that the Jewish media doesn’t give a shit about free expression or an actual free press. They want a controlled press in which they’re the only one’s allowed to drive narratives.

We also have to remember that these are the same people who advocated for widespread bans on the Internet. CNN and other Jewish media operations openly demanded that Alex Jones and others be banned off of all social media sites for saying things they disagree with.

These people do not deserve any honors. They deserve contempt and among the lowest of the low. All they do is promote lies and propaganda to benefit the filthy race of kikes who have subverted America.


Jews praising and honoring each other, what a surprise.


fake news jews are worried because A GRAND JURY will be seated to hear the mountains of evidence that The Trade Towers were rigged with explosives. when THE TRUTH comes out about 9/11, they will have a difficult time explaining why they covered for BushCo, the real terrorists. 2019 is going to be a banner year for Trump. he did a power-play at the Bush funeral and that Grand Jury will have subpoena powers. this will also take down Mueller and many other monsters. stay tuned…



They rub it in our face, time to rub them of the planet


There is an old Polish proverb that says, “If there is a problem, the Jews must be behind it.”